Separate names with a comma.
probably not coming back tbh
welcome back, nerdddd
meaningful quote relating to ducks
ayy. From my current plans, I will say that I plan to stick to the avian aesthetic and idea, but minor edits to things for the colony. For...
calling the police
Name: Totoxoch Heartmender *Race: Avian *Age: 20 **Specialties: Cooking Favorite Color(s): Blue/Orange **Schooling: Primary & Secondary Children:...
post from user: <imlost> Case closed, android rescued. Turns out it didn't have a minigun arm, and turns out it wasn't delirious. Still need a...
:bird: :gun: tbh
*Name (First, Last, Middle): Noa, Thunderwing, Jaycee *Date of Birth (Terran month, day, year): 05/06/2389 *Race: Avian *Sex: Female...
you're scaring me
Rest in peace.
10/14/2416 This'll more than likely be my last entry before I truly move on. I'm in the Core now. Noxoc sent me the full logs of his and...
I'm going to ask you politely to not tread on me
9/26/2416 I decided to write, but I'm not sure what to write. Not much has changed, I think. I do have two jobs, though. One can't even be called...
9/14/2416 I cussed Lovepeck out. Called him a cuckold. Said his charm ruined my life. It's true, and I enjoyed every moment of it. Oh Kluex, why...