Separate names with a comma.
3/10 try harder nerd
@Cole Ombre is no longer an Administrator.
Well, to my knowledge, you had this colony up and running and public before you even submitted an application for it. If that is wrong, please...
The objects have been removed and the tile protection has been disabled for the area, but none of the tiles themselves have been removed, so if...
thnk yu i grwnp nw
it muh birfday
Updated guide with link to the nightly version of the Instrumentalizer. Will consider making a new GIF for spawning the item via commands in-game.
My answer remains the same; regardless of whether the race requires a mod to play, they are not playable on the server at this moment without...
As a reminder, just because a colony listed here does not mean it's automatically approved. Colony requests should still be posted in the staff...
You claim there is no substance to our criticisms, yet in many of these posts, we have provided reasoning for our criticisms. Rather than come up...
there's no need to be upset
SB's plotline is about as generic as sci-fi plots come. You're a member of this powerful group of peaceful, prosperous races all co-existing in...
I'm assuming the mod introduces new assets, in which case it won't work on the server. Regardless, we have no intentions of allowing players to...
The forum are back up temporarily, but will go back down to continue maintenance later tonight. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Reminder to everyone: Be sure to disable automatic updating if you don't want to update to SB 1.0. The server won't be updating immediately.
Heya, peeps, quick announcement here. Three days from now, on the twenty-third of this month, the forums will be down for maintenance. We don't...
I only now noticed the the barrel on that shotgun, and holy crap, what is the bore size on that thing
It's always good to see you, Lesch. Welcome back.
Planet chat is not something that can be modded back in. It is built into the client and would require modification and redistribution of the...
@Node and @Sermane are now wiki editors.