Separate names with a comma.
[IMG] (This file is for ooc view only.) [IMG]
[IMG] [IMG] Description.... VA-870 is a fighter type visual, It's small size makes it a nightmare for larger ships. It has maneuvering...
[IMG] [IMG] Description.... The C-A870 is a small frigates type visual, It is more of a heavy armoured transport visual be can hold its ground...
o . o Oh my, Rest in peace hope that guy gets what's coming to him.
Never ever create a faction to be the 'bad guys' its just does not flow well in rp as in history people that have been given the title 'bad guys'...
[IMG] My new helm ^ ^.;s_PA_Helm.rar
Just played some few rounds and dammm once you get the hand of it its dam fun but to beat anyone you would have to have skills in planning and...
Thanks, but I would miss the little guy so I'm just going to let him have a home and name him jim the mole.
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Small but eh its comfy. Also I should of not placed that midget down can't get him to leave.... Damm drifters.
[IMG] [IMG] DreadNought Specs Classified
Sorry to go offtopic but how did you get your whole ship in one perfect picture?
I do not support this.
Hello, welcome and hope your stay is swell.
Some people like to do things other ways since everyone is different on there play style.
It ran perfectly fine for a beta game.
Sever is offline, no?
I had the same problem, try making a new char and logging in your save file might of been corrupted.
Its hard as Sh+t and you get your ass handed to you by anything and everything but its super fun if you get passed that part. ^ ^
Hi! and welocme ^ ^ *waves back from the passing bus thats speeding down the...