Separate names with a comma.
[A.03/R.12/C.13] -- The Antares Frontier **AudLog.Entry.01** [spoiler]
From River: "I thought it was a good saying, except perhaps the end about those whom do not believe.. there is a shortage of friends out here in...
The problem with complex systems (being a person who have used such), is that it is prone to power gaming and is not really balanced.. and leaving...
I wouldn't mind playing some other games with folks, would be nice to get to know people outside of Starbound RP. Feel free to toss WuffyWolffoot...
[A.03/R.09/C.13] -- The Antares Frontier **TxtLog.Entry.10** "My tenth log entry, and the last I will ever be writing down the things that...
I am pretty sure the massive lag your world maps are experience are caused by a griefer. Many of the extreme lag problems that lead to chunks...
*Quickly throws snow over the entrance to his home inside a mountain cavern* That's just nonsense! No one would be silly enough to do that!...
The only real problem with that is people are not really mature when it comes to conflict. You have Group A who wants to win, and Group B that...
In before someone makes a rip of Hyperion from Borderlands. Anyways, on a more serious note; there are far too many engineers and researchers...
The creator of SBSE is aware of the problem and stated three weeks ago that he had a fix for it that was coming out with the next update to SBSE....
Jamie? Crying? Nuuuu! Gimmie a thump sometime, I miss roleplaying with ya- and I live your art. :D
[A.03/R.02/C.13] -- The Antares Frontier **TxtLog.Entry.09** "What a tangled web we weave.. I had heard of that saying long ago from my mother,...
[A.02/R.27/C.13] -- The Antares Frontier **TxtLog.Entry.08** "Things came to a head between Glauen and I after he called me a liar in front of...
I believe that is InvaderCristi on the Forums.
In lore, Glitch do not even use prefixes when speaking to other glitch, but this is something that would bother me as well, being a detail...
Screencaps be crap without stats? Honestly, what people should realize is that ANYONE can mimic a name like Kazyyk on any chat program.. but...
Which we all want stuff that is viewable by others too, right? Or else you will have those awkward moments where you are running through a colony...
Columns do not seem to work either.
Theoretically, each item has a string that points to an image file that it then uses to display. I attempted to change the sleeves of the...
I am attempting to use forum code to make tables to list Aegis' finances, but I seem to have run into an issue.. Credits/Expenses Amount...