Separate names with a comma.
Of no importance whatsoever
yisssssssssssss can you make it in dark grey please
I made a can of ginger ale like that I don't know how to scan images
Can I have a holo tablet facing the player? NOTE: You can put pixels on a custom weapon sprite 1.5, 1.25, etc. of a pixel away from another. Use...
narfgirl is a biatch ....................../´¯/)............................(\¯'\ ....................,/¯../................................\..¯\,...
Kluex DOES preach love and kindness, right? [email protected]
You're goddamn right.
my name is pinky!
....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\...
Photoshop erases weirdly, and MSpaint leaves white behind. Is there a program I should use, like GIMP or something?
Such sad, such wow.
Whenever I crop using MSpaint or Photoshop, it gives me a background. How do I not have that occur?
If you're gonna do a researcher, do a human or Hylotl one. Apex aren't the only race who can research, people. Humans got FTL tech on their own,...
Halp meh plox...
Can you restore the browser version? SBSE don't work on my desktop.
So, I've been doing a lot on the forums lately, and I noticed that almost everyone has images of their character in their signature. i, being a...
Austranum Empire vs. Khamri Protectorate! GO!
fuck is your avatar?
I'd like a few weapons. 1. Glock 19 with laser sight and silencer. 2. Steyr AUG with full equipment. [Enclosed: 275 pixels] [email protected]