Separate names with a comma.
this post is from a little while ago when it was still being built up.
I have now played and beat Mother 1-4. Awesome!
I'll play any time.
My hobbies are coding and playing games. I really like dota 2 and sometimes play in some amateur tournaments. I've run a minecraft server role...
There needs to be a downside to larger hulls like a slower speed otherwise why not just everyone have super tanky ships once they get the cash.
I wish Starbound had a fox race so I could recreate Star Fox heh.
Yep, here's mine. No shame. Classic Comp Sci desktop [IMG]
They were actually written by time travelers. Meant to confuses themselves in the past until the time comes when they figure it out and realize...
Yeah what I meant wouldn't be easy was getting all the art work for each one not the actual logistics side of it. Maybe support a contest where...
I thought of something else but don't know if it would be possible and I know it wouldn't be easy to do, but it would be cool if trophies had...
Yeah that's way better. In my opinion at least.
Balance as of last entry: 0 Pixels Income: - 125 Pixels from Lunar News Issue Three Expenses: - None yet Assets: - Video Camera - Broken PDA -...
I think the location for the application which is a link at the bottom right is not the most intuitive. I had a friend who wanted to apply and...
I enjoy building let me know if you need any help
From one reporter to another, you do some good work. This was an interesting read. - [email protected]
This would be really cool I might make a character that's a smuggler/ transporter for something like this
Greetings and welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay!
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Interesting points to bring up. I will see if I can dig any dirt up on that. - [email protected]
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