Separate names with a comma.
( Dr.Hong Stong) [media] (Dr.John Marshell) [media]
YES! Yes it was Sloth.
P.s. For all the Russians out there. ( WARNING MAY BE SOVIET TO AMERICANS! ) [media]
''LISTIN TO THIS OR DIE! :D'' ( by: somthing my Main character would say)lol. [media]
[media] [media] [media]
D: where am I? Wheres MY main character? D:
(( did so... ))
(( how would I contact you Privately))
Tiy is the game creator....
No im just asking In curious wise. I want to see how people think how far or close I am. doesn't mean IL do it. Also I like the bunny part The...
IF my Main Character Dr.Hong stong were to try to have sex with Aiko Yori by asking what would his chances be? Percent wise. ( Random Question her...
IF he even draws it crappy. I hope thell add a dislike button. P.s. Do not draw my character period.
Do not even Draw my character.
(Stong Hong) I got the delivery meet me at my ship.
Ьфн ша цу фдд вкфтл сщвлф ьфин ершы цщгдв иу тшсу (translation) Well maby we should all have a bottle of vodka.
( Hong Stong) R: ершы Акшеы цшдд иу зукаусе ащк ьу ещ кшзз рук унуифдды щге фтв кши фдд рук щкпфты щге ещ ьщтср фтв фтв сруц руку кшиы дшлу фтшьфд...
Ness nice profile pic of a Floran.