Separate names with a comma.
Darkest Dungeon Crossover [IMG] Some people in the community have gotten into a singleplayer game called Darkest Dungeon. One...
Spelunking [IMG] I drew a glitch in what became a cave as my first attempt at freeform sketching. As I clarified before when I started this...
Graw Got a Tablet I decided to cash in and get one christmas present, a Wacom drawing tablet as @Shagmeister and the internet highly recommended....
Hey, thanks! I'll start shading and doing more freeform stuff if I can get my hands on a tablet. At the moment, I use a trackpad (albeit a pretty...
"Dune," Grungewoman. [IMG] This is a picture of @coconut_buttercup 's character known as "Dune." She's an angry, disgusting woman, and you'd...
Graw's Opinion! I see a lot of potential in the original post, but there are a few sections that need clarification or work, and a couple I...
[IMG] There is magic yet left in the galaxy. ~ edit: switched image host to imgur
Some Siara Sterling [IMG] This is an attempt to draw @Doctor Frohman 's Siarra Sterling character. This picture of the bartending bird was based...
A New Logo [IMG] I designed this logo last minute for the logo contest that's being voted on right now. I wanted something hand drawn that...
Those 'additional details' for G include themed colors and titles for sub-forums: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] read more here, wow look a link yay
Even More Cody Parker [IMG] How does all the grease even get in there I mean LAWL it just tickles my funnybone every time. ALSO: This is based on...
[IMG] Hobo. Unemployed. Grease-sponge. He encapsulates dilapidation, repudiates success, and personifies detached melancholy. He is... Cody...
all you need for high quality rp is a little direction~ [IMG] in character's fun, but as you might well see, the best poetry ever, is always ooc [IMG]
Some Character Portraits Merrrrry Grissmass! [IMG] A picture of my character Griss, all dressed up for the holiday season. She feels jolly on...
Some Videos from the HIGP Thread Aubrey Flak: Almighty Flaxen Space Warrior XVI [MEDIA] One day I decided to ask @mexicanclownbaby for Aubrey's...
Graw Tries: An Introduction I'll post random things that I complete for no reason here. I am currently screwing with calligraphic pen tools in...
my b
[IMG] There was once a Golden God, Who all agreed was a little-bit odd. A typo he fixed— Though spoke it of dick! The post prior'd been odd.
[MEDIA] 'Trinity' St. Ives: The Laziest (not dead) Gun in the Space West!
Did you uh, mean 22, or something? [MEDIA] bwahahahahahah these take hours