Separate names with a comma.
I was told otherwise by all of the mods who are quitting, both new and old. They attempt something and you proceed to shut them down, including...
Alright. I'll say it. In a small fandom subset such as this one (Starbound Roleplaying in general - Galaxy Citizen, Antares, Serenity, Orion's...
Ads? For an RP server? Should I even say anything?
I was traveling, and either one of my votes was not counted or I mistyped my name on my phone. Shame.
The issue is exactly how impressionable new folks might be. They are only just arriving, have no idea what is powergaming and what isn't in the...
It was. A freaking. Joke.
Inb4 Max did not truly die.
Well, anyone who wants to learn DMing can pester me on Skype. I can give pointers.
Glauen was made as a avian who is new to the galaxy as a whole precisely because I was new to SBRP and wanted to learn alongside my character....
I am DM'ing my own session right now, so nah, I can't join, sadly.
I'll just say two things: The golden rule: "The Game Master's word is final." Rule Zero: "Make sure the game is as entertaining as possible to...
I'm sure we've had this discussion before, but the ressurgence of "losing limbs and replacing them with robot arms" lately means this has become...
I think you pop the mods the question.
You mean you are lacking tentacultists? Why didn't you tell me? GLORY TO THE TENTACLE MONSTAHS [ATTACH]
You can however search the tag "role-play". They have it for the strange reason that is "we don't enforce it but people can do it if they want so...
Voting raffles prizes: 70$ Seeing an actual starbound RP server at the top of the RP list? [IMG] Priceless.
You just hit the "proficient" skill level. Mastery requires you to stick through it for another month at least.
11/10 would bang
*Logged in as [email protected]* I need money. I'm in.
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