Separate names with a comma.
Not nice? Plenty of groups here that would enjoy having you. ;) And, welcome!
Thank you, whoever you are.
I think I speak for many when I say this has been needed for a while. Thanks for the addition!
Can you give me the item ID? It would be something like 'apextier2' or 'humantier3'.
Modifying Alpha layers is not limited to SBSE. You can do this through Starcheat, or by using a simple text editor on an exported item.
It may be a good idea to use this time for building structures, revising faction rules or communications, creating new clothing and armor, etc. -...
I thought this was a neat drawing of a Glitch maid [IMG] Glitch Fighter: [IMG]
Pointless AMAZING IDEA, but still pointless...
(( Are you replying by video or by text? ))
*reply in text* Not sure what type of work you are looking for exactly, but the RA seems to be in need of security personnel. I don't think they...
Hey Phaze, Many of us take advantage of the alpha layers in-game. Most of the RA guys and myself can confirm that they work properly.
Title: Bassnectar - Timestretch (West Coast Lo Fi Remix) (Official) [MEDIA]
Title: Tes La Rok - Mental Block MODE002 [MEDIA] Title: Sully - Wicked Webs [HQ] [MEDIA]
Hey Phaze, Any news for alpha layer support down the road? Right now, if any of my characters have anything with a fourth octet in a Hex value,...
Imrae likes watching.
I like how you are able to use small areas and still make it look awesome.
It runs fine on Mavericks. The only issue you will run into is if OSX creates a .DS_Store file in your player folder. You will know it has done...
Starcheat is written in python...
I just re-build starcheat from source, since the source is provided. Last update to the code was 5 days ago.