Separate names with a comma.
((Should I continue this?)) P.S.
*private message to Avis* I actually don't, haha... Well, threats like that DO make sure my stuff is returned. *public message* Who says I don't...
*satisfied hmph* At least that matter was concluded quickly... Security measures will stay, though. I really don't need any more thieves at my...
You would go up through the Moriya Tower entrance, NOT the subway station- it is now under lockdown due to security issues- and kindly deposit...
It has been confirmed. SOMEONE stole the ENTIRE amassment of loot from one of my Secure Shipping warehouses in the Moriya Tower. Whoever it is,...
...Was that on Moriya Tower property? If so, someone has committed thievery from MY store. And whoever steals from me gets shot. Survivors get...
((For some reason, on the other side of town, a little bit away from the Ehler's tower, the Moriya Tower and NC Bank still stand strong. Seems...
Why should I trust you to handle our money? If you're asking for it now, what stops YOU from using our own personal information for your own...
((Pixel value is like Yen now, 100 pix is less than 1 USD XD))
No, because there's where all the action is. I mean, Liberty Mills is empty, Tetanus Fields is dead, and Taranis is in war. *coughs* And no...
Everyone these days is hangin' bout on New Chicago. It sure is a hellhole, which aptly describes the place.
Well... Lucius Septimus Magnus is a British guy, but even he doesn't even spurt "mate" at such high frequencies. Must be something wrong with my...
((I can position for you? :3 ))
((Wait, so do you actually still have any Komeiji blades? I asked in post #25 ))
Welcome. Please ignore the birds, they might just kill you. [MEDIA]
I must truly wonder... Do you still have any Komeiji blades? They remind me of a certain character in a bullet hell game I play when I'm bored....
Aye then. I've been dying to create a Kriegsmarine character anyway. It'll be tough work making another ship, but I've been thinking of either...
Which can get you into big trouble. (inb4 GabeN Banhammer)