Separate names with a comma.
>Do you need to tie up a loose end? Do you want something taken care of? > >I am your guy. > >My resume consists of: >Former USCM Navy Officer and...
Hi all. My name's Flint, I'm sort of new to this sector, so I'm very lost. I was wondering if anyone could offer me a job? Maybe I could learn the...
[The received text seems to be on an outdated system, but nevertheless functional and clear] Name: Osbourne Smith Traits/Skills: -Ship...
Not dead
(Only accessible Via Osbournes ship, the Meyamar, with access to admin locked files) >First entry; > type (Checksum+1) else > Repeat String 13 >...
[Shared with "Blue", confirming it here for reference]
>Posting as //Osbourne\\ > > >Thank you all for registering! >If you still want to register, its never too late! > > >I'll be trying to reach each...
((Just a heads up, I'm easier to contact on Steam or Skype, plus I can transfer the music files easily Steam: Saddwhy Skype: Dynamon_X (Guido...
>Posting as //Osbourne\\ > > >Got it. >I'll get assembled as soon as I can, waiting for replies fro mthe others.
So, I'm sure we all remember the modding incident, but I'm just here to ask a question regarding mods and the server. If a player has a mod...
((Also, my steam name is Saddwhy if anyone wants to communicate))
>Posting as //Osbourne\\ > > >I'll try to meet up with you both. >Contact me on a private channel. >Still open for more members. > > >Dont be shy...
>Posting as //Osbourne\\ > > >So, in between multiple jobs, I somehow find some free time. >I chose the thing that most people would do to spend...
>Posting as// Osbourne > >Barely made it out alive... > > >There's no going back now... At least he won't find me... > > >Who the f*** am I...? >...
>Posting as// Osbourne > >I need to get out of here. >Hammerpoint is a huge prison for me now. I can't walk, not until my bones heal. Doctors say...
Sindri [media] Osbourne- Introvert, Is mentally unstable ever since a very traumatic incident involving his death and "re-birth" (IE, cloning)...
Dont even
Pls dont go to pk's. Dat Messi tho And lol. Klose. Lol.
>Posting as// Osbourne > >Im posting this from a medical table in Union. One of the guards let me use a tablet after I calmed >down. >I dont even...