Separate names with a comma.
That's fine as long as Forge stops saying it's his and credits Aiko as well.
*Credit to Aiko for the inspiration Come on guys. Mostly to Forge. I get that you guys hate Aiko for whatever reason but blatantly tracing and...
You mean Aiko's art style? [ATTACH]
I understand. She will be missed.
Wow um, I don't know what to say but um... is there any proof? Don't get me wrong I RPed with her myself and she was very nice and everything, but...
Dear Twitch, What do you think about violent hylotl? The race is supposedly incredibly pacifistic normally, so should the large amount of...
Florans [ATTACH]
If you are curious as to how that is doable here is where is was formulated.
((For reading purposes, what is typed here is what Silk is saying as he writes down the finances. I hope that this will be mildly entertaining as...
Okay so my boss found my other journal and he seemed mad at me so I will keep this little notebook where I keep that one audio recording I had....
Did someone say Laser Rifle? [MEDIA]
((He isn't ready to present it, of course. it still needs fine-tuning. Odds are he'd publish it as a pamphlet or book, anonymously of course. But...
Okayss sso iss making changess! hass losst 5000 to make a disstillery, sso 23500 now. Weekly payment meanss uh... *Silk stares at the paper. He...
All right sso I have been thinking for a long, long time about how I can civilize my race, or at least weed out the really civil oness from the...
Oh coolss. Will look them up.
*Silk-Spinner* If iss no trouble I could take one yess.
*Silk-Spinner* Iss sstill confusse what iss talking aboutss? Iss um a movie?
*Silk-Spinner* What iss talking aboutss? Iss confusse but ssound fun.