Separate names with a comma.
Welcome to the server!
Man if you start with a shitty attitude like that you will never get accepted anywhere. Get lost stupid fag! Seriously though welcome to the server!
Did anybody preorder Witcher 3: Wild Hunt? I know it's not on sale but it looks pretty cool..
I shall join. Now a reason for my dick pirate avian to be related to a classy apex
Sorry for responding so slowly, in my timezone it was midnight XD. Anyway, I know that it feels weird when you are on a server stuffed with people...
Most of the community welcomes new people, although if you still have trouble just learning from experience, you can pretty much ask anyone and...
Why all the hate in the poll? IMO it's not the best faction ever made by anyone, but it's not BAD... It just needs to be fleshed out some more.
Unless this was changed, there seem to be no limitation on race.
Well, I think I'm gonna make Ragnor a Glitch, although I do have to redo his ship now. Is there a possibility of him being the military adviser?...
Besides, a position of power means anything over a grunt.
I want to sign up Ragnor. He's a Floran warlord, I think he would fit very well with this faction. He needs a position of power though, otherwise...
Does said vessel agree to the raid? If so, when and where? This seems like a great raid.
What coords are you building this on? I could help OOC.
I don't think it's wise to make a sub-forum until it's all up and running. I understand you want to accelerate the process, but it is bad in the...
It appears I was misinformed, and my last post was incorrect..... - Anonymous
I am surprised nobody has tried to sell his mansion... Considering it's on a planet not under the rule of any faction, it's basically up for...
Ooh, I want to help. It would be pretty cool if there were a lot of pirates and united they could oppose some of the bigger factions.... This...
Kerbloded? Does that mean he's dead? Man, I wish I could've gotten the bounty... Would've gotten my bounty hunter/hitman char some popularity....
Looks like Molren got killed, or at least captured.... Poor guy, he got the entire galaxy pissed off at him. He is a rolemodel to all evil characters.
Meet me at Aiko's bar at Haus. The coordinates are -21 -12, its the desert planet.