Separate names with a comma.
This thread is a report. Sen decided to open it to the public. Threads open to public discussion should be taken as seriously as a report sent in...
Moderators: You're doing it again. You say that if someone doesn't like it, they shouldn't go there. That's all well & dandy in theory. It...
If you're going to try to accuse me of trolling, at least have the balls & shed the beta male skin. Do it outright instead of covering it up with...
Of course you're going to deny it, Aiko. The thing is, three entirely unrelated people knew it was going down and have posted here about it....
It's time to grow up and cast off this "hugbox" and "ass pats" mentality; the real world can't function like this, and we even have to toss in an...
My dry humor is fairly apparent. I don't take anything seriously; from creepypasta, to the Illuminati, to nerds. It's been there the whole time.
Sorry fella, responding to you ain't being immature. I do implore you to let them continue, though, I'm eating up the part about skipi & Sen being...
Essentially. It's just nerds typing at nerds.
Gramps has not changed. Multiple sources have informed you so. A couple of months is a drop in a bucket for this kind of disgusting behavior; it...
I'm black. My mother is, anyway. It's not an offensive term. Get with the times. People who make characters for funsies to continually rape them...
I can confirm this. ToA/PoS was just another example of the same tired old B.S. that I didn't even bother to step through the door past. Join the...
The moderators took a heavy hit from me as well and they can maturely acknowledge that a potential return player & player who left for reasons...
I do appreciate the moderators allowing it to stay open at this point, even if it just involves me pathetically beating up little boys for words...
And no, rape really shouldn't be on-going nor in a backstory, especially on Antares. Neither for male nor female. I'm not entirely understanding...
I play Kimah. I haven't avoided answering you. My character is actually listed in my profile. You're fabricating another lie that can be easily...
You'll miss out on the juicy denial of Gramps' antics after they have in recent months posted gorey violence descriptives to the forum, ran slave...
Stop the passive-aggressive attempts at getting the discussion shut down, Guardian. You look like a typical beta. You need to get over it. It's on...
While I don't necessarily agree with the presentation or presence of some posts, I will say this: It's good that players are chiming in and...
Anything to defend the lesbian blackface, I guess.
Let me explain. You imply here and compound further in yet another post that you think I believe that females are a superior sex because of how...