Separate names with a comma.
That sounds good. It seems like all the factions and colonies that were here before I left are gone now.
That looks awesome!
Hey there RPers! I've been gone for awhile, (since November), but things are calmed down and I'm here to stay once again! Anyways, hope to see all...
I know it sounds strange. I'm just looking for anyone that would be willing to be involved in a kidnapping or ransoming that would get a character...
So I've been gone from the server for awhile, and I'm now looking to reintroduce one of my characters. Once a loyal soldier, he is now a...
Yeah I had to leave for awhile until things calmed down (which they finally did). I'm going to try to ease my way back into roleplay now, and get...
I don't know if any of you remember me, but I've been away from the server for several months (mostly since the start of school). I'd like to make...
Well, I know I haven't been here long. I've had a really fun time rp'ing with all of you. But things are getting really hectic IRL, and I haven't...
Good to have you back King.
Yes for me. This sounds terrifically fun, though hard to coordinate.
Meet me at New Chicago whenever convenient! Thank you!
Hi there! I was told you were another great designer so I came here. I'd like a pair of pink skinny jeans and a purple tank top. I'm going to look...
Hello! I'd like a pair of you humans call "skinny jeans" (preferably pink) and a purple tank top! I'd just look adorable in these. -Akori
That's pretty good. You even got the hair right.
I've had this avatar for forever, and I'd like a new one. I don't have any $, but any help would be appreciated. I'll remember you if you do this!...
Is there someone you need to get rid of? Some high-ranking official you don't like? If so, I am the man for you. 12 years of military service and...
This has been attempted more times than I can count. Even I tried it out. If you really want it, it'll take a lot of work. But if it works, I'm in.
Go up to the top right corner and click on inbox. There'll be an option to start a new conversation. Click on that and put my name in.