Separate names with a comma.
[IMG] "How hard can rocket science be, anyway?"
Not to throw any sort of kindle into a fire, but are we just ignoring the existence of the Matter Manipulator?
At least it wasn't a Spiderbee, right? [IMG] ...Right? o_o No, I didn't draw that. My art skills suck too hard.
I feel bad that it took me a whole 10 seconds to remember what today was...
Overconfident. They do not look tough. I bet I could take one. - Windows Omega, Knight Commander of the KGP
This is just a theory on my part, but I think part of the reason you see places having these "no guns/weapons/etc." rules is because some people,...
Flat. We are still around, just so everyone knows... - Windows Omega, Knight Commander of the KGP
The server just seems to have a habit of just staying down for hours after a scheduled reset, I've noticed.
Greeting. Greetings, Antares. Declaration. I am pleased to announce that Gryphon's Peak is now open to public access. Informative. Gryphon's...
...Why is it I can never think of the simple solutions? Thanks there!
...I may have forgotten to mention this is not for my character who technically is a "Knight". It's more for someone who uses a relatively large...
Screw "Gritty" "Realism", I just wanna be able to smack a guy with a sword if I want to and not insta-die while trying so! D: Doesn't help that...
entry009.wav Relief. At long last, things may finally be getting back to normal. Recalling. Taranis was destroyed after its orbit drifted into...
For the record, I completely agree that Florans shouldn't be cutesy Plantsuits who throw away absolutely everything that a Floran is with no...
For the record, I'm wanting to do this with a large, blunt weapon you wouldn't be drawing from a scabbard, and would be too clunky to effectively...
AKA: How do I get weapons sheathed on a character like this? [IMG] Basically, I want to know if there's any way to get weapon sprites to appear...
If any of you three are around at the moment, I will be available to interview you for a while at the time of this post. - Windows Omega, Knight...
When would either of you two be available? I wish to interview you two before I formally offer a position to either of you. - Windows Omega,...