Separate names with a comma.
Hrm. What to say. Well, I'm fairly similar to Gareth, as far as personality goes. I'm very driven by music, and helping people through their...
Hello love. I've been looking about for good jump tech or something similar, also a good revolver or some such. Being an old detective I like my...
Thank you Misfit, I do hope to meet you under good circumstances after I find my ground. As for colonies, I fear I may be a square peg, so to...
hrrrm... Difficult question, friend. used to freelance in Memoria. I like to have a place to call home, but I can really do anything... If there...
A little bit of everything I suppose. Used to be a detective, was raised in a shaolin monastery. I can handle myself fairly well, I'd say my...
((Yeah, Gareth left earth before the Tentacles, FTL travel, time passes, but not for the things traveling at light speed)) Aye, I did do some...
-You turn on your radio to find audio of a mid-twenties man with southern welsh accent- "This is Gareth Yates, if you are getting this message,...
I applied for whitelisting earlier today, and my password isn't working. Thanks for any help =]
Here's to hoping it only takes one application. =]