Separate names with a comma.
Name : Cordelia Winters Class : 1 - Visitor Race : Human Date of birth : November 19th, 2378 (27 years old.) Occupation: Mortician/Musician...
Behind every community are those who have taken the time and effort to create the foundations from which so much has been built. It is because of...
Elysium is returning.
You come back safe and sound. I may run Elysium but I'll not have you go there any time soon, you hear me?
<Connect::StarNet:IP::177A-CS0013-Y294> <UserID::Granted> <Download::Visitor-Codex::Elysium> Visitor's Guide to Elysium Services & Utilities...
<Connect::StarNet:IP::177A-CS0013-Y294> <UserID::Granted> <Download::Law-Codex::Elysium> Elysium's Terms and Policies Greetings <User::ID> You...
[IMG] "All Life Matters for In Death All are Equal" Far away in the known frontiers of the galaxy, from the ashes of broken empires and the...
Good news, bad news. Good news is I've returned to Antares, rebuilt Elysium-II, and may be IC more . Bad news? Busy with work and RL Sigh.
There is a gentle snowfall outside of Elysium-II this afternoon, pale snow in darker shades than the color of my hair. It's funny when I look...
[OOC Information: The entirety of this character log would remain inaccessible while the character remains alive. The entries, up until Cordelia's...
<Connecting: StarNet UB-21.64.743 CouncilNetwork:Gate:3000) <Connection Established> <Retrieving Data File> Elysium-II [IMG] In the wake of...
>> SYSTEM REBOOT...Complete << >>ERROR! Code: 5663 Missing<< >>Syntax: UniCed.235.IL Disconnected<< >>Loading:...
@FoRgE This was a very long time ago. In fact, the planet in which Elysium was once located is no longer there. It breaks my heart to say this but...
On the other hand, I may or may not rebuild it. Been very busy IRL. Barely have any time to go on Antares these days.
I have some bad news, everyone. I had to reinstall Starbound. It appears that Elysium is permanently lost.
For God's sake, I'm still trying to get Starbound to work. Stop killing each other. #GravekeeperProblems #SpaceTwitter #YouPeopleHaveIssues
Starbound is not working for me. Sadly I cannot get on Antares for a while. Elysium closed for now. Try not to die, folks. :(
Hello. I haven't been able to go on Antares because the RL monster tried to eat me. However, I believe Elysium will need to be ported over at some...
Reminder: If you are a Novakid please do not commit suicide in Elysium. Otherwise your remains and/or brand will be thrown down an outhouse.
USER: CORDELIA >> Text: Attachment: Bulk << Greetings StarNet users, I remind everyone that if there are any remains, possessions, and...