Separate names with a comma.
Name: 'Clockwork' Race: Human Desired Position: Security Specialist Priority Application: Yes (Former USCM Marine. Highly Advanced in Close...
(([media] note: tonights the night i go on the server even though i could've within the past 7 days)) <::RECORDED MESSAGE::> <::BEGIN MESSAGE ....
11 people looked at this thread before me and im the first to say hi lol
I thought this was a good introduction thread, turns out that all of the guys were izzida and lixarus I teared welcome to best community2014
new record 22 views and 1 reply welcome to the community im the upstanding young adult of this town
welcome to the community of elitism starbound we are thy greatest community one of us
hi hello im the community's shitposter greatest guy and i want to say welcome to thyest highest communiteth greetingseth one of thy us
hi, im late to the party to say hello
sue them because it's been over 48 hours... like i did
pun fight me
excuse me sir, there is a spy on the forums, you should do something about him
u foking spy im reporting you to shade743
*someone wants to be a moderator*
o god, he's following all the cool people
am i your new best friend/rival
what are you, a junior moderator???? or a spy
do i have a cool hat
23 minutes, 1400+ members, and yet. im the 2nd viewer of this thread and the only one who has responded to your thread i am mortally sorry for...
everyone who has a genetically engineered/badass bandit/super war usmc...