Separate names with a comma.
Leon (CottonCandyBear) updated his status!: someday my psychologist is gonna slip and be all like 'to be honest, i think your problem is that...
Leon (CottonCandyBear) uploaded an audio file!: just a reminder of what i need to bring to the bar once we get that sweet home audio system [MEDIA]
Leon (CottonCandyBear) replied to your message!: zany cat im [IMG]
Leon (CottonCandyBear) updated his status!: the several eels residing inside my body hunger for flesh Leon (CottonCandyBear) updated his...
Leon (CottonCandyBear) updated his status!: so like yesterday we opened the quay bar wich is like. our own gay bar and we got a shitload of...
i didn't read aaaaaall of this but like. is there a set date for when this (if it ever) happens? because like.i wanna build shit but i dont wanna...
Leon (CottonCandyBear) posted a photo!: #wokeuplikethis #allhailoureldergods #bearnation [IMG]
scream, scream, and never stop screaming
Leon (CottonCandyBear) updated his status!: we all scream for icecream! we all scream, and never stop screaming! bare your skin agaisnt the sharp...
em vocals [MEDIA]
doodles of a few sb characters here and there [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] first one was fairly easy to do, maybe i should do free requests next! maybe (the...
abreviated BAA, wich make reminiscense of the sound a really angry goat makes and as im too lazy to add new art, heres a snippet of some shit i...
Leon (CottonCandyBear) updated his status!: find me at your nearest forest prancing around like a sensibly dressed imp avoiding tentacle porn...
[IMG] About me(mes) Name: Leon Aria Torres Nick: CottonCandyBear Gender: bear Occupation: bear Age: 19 Location: bear Profession: bear...
where the hell do you reapply this place has changed since last year
Just for some insight, the update will be the Upbeat Giraffe, so anyone that wants to know what will be added tonight and doesnt check the dev...
fruit snacks are my only love
mix my cream bad boy