Separate names with a comma.
Damn, Spiderman. You're looking particularly... Not like spiderman today.
It only takes a few short years for them to realize that the monsters aren't in either of those places... The monsters are really inside of us.
Suggestion: It would be better advised, at least for the moment, to 'help' in ways other than medical care. This unit would suggest painting...
Amused statement: You seem to be contradicting yourself, organic. Query: Are you intending to represent yourself as a mature, able-bodied adult...
Suggestion: Perhaps it would be safer for organic life as a whole if you refrain from offering your limited expertise until a proper learning...
Amused response: Welcome to StarNet. We don't take kindly to children masquerading as rich, omnipotent geniuses. We, collectively, tend to find...
Mockery: Perhaps this miniknog establishment's coordinates could be located. This unit's supply of unicorn blood and pixie dust is currently...
Sarcastic response: This unit was not informed of the free medical licenses being handed out. It is requested such events be announced publicly...