Separate names with a comma.
What should I put down for the login info?
Do I apply again?
Hello! You may remember me from a while back before the winter update. I asked what I'd missed and decided to wait until the new update to fully...
The ip is lost to me once again.
Ok... I guess I'll be gone a bit longer then. Until after the update.
Avalon blew up? The hell happened?
So... I've been gone for a while. Half a year probably. All of the previous colonies I remember are now gone. What have I missed?
A whole world is hidden by sanity. Well not really it just gets really strange sometimes. ~ Featherliver
Featherliver here. There are multiple ways to keep sane. Like picking a flower. Or you can wait over time. What I find keeps me sane is talking to...
Featherliver here. We have gas. Gas that lets you live forever. You can die but it would seem that you just go back to your ship after! A whole...
Nvm resolved. Found out in teamspeak.
I have been gone for a while and I wanted to get back into the server but the ip I use isn't working with starbound. So I lost the Ip and I forgot...
I forgot the ip for the server again. :(
It may be too bad that I woke up now. I wish I would not have died however I died so that I may have gotten used to the way the world is now. This...
I am willing to buy an oboe. Set A time and place somewhere in Avalon. My Harmonica is just not as good as an oboe! ~Sir_Glarconblah