Separate names with a comma.
Do you have any actual idea what you're talking about? And I do question why this one is so eager to locate a stargazer, it's not like they're...
Stargazers? Here? I suggest you direct your attention to the core worlds... and it's not like they're difficult to find, either. ~Skarti
Saying these things is both incredibly ignorant and offensive to people who are upset with the game's development. I'll admit people have been...
Did I miss something...? ~Skarti
Forum Name: Kirby teh Pink Reason for Applying: I've written a lot of stuff in the past, and I possess an understanding of both starbound lore and...
We did the whole "forced out of the sector" thing in the past, it turned out to be a lot of fuss for pretty much no reason. I do think we're...
I'd rather compromise than lore Nazis.
I haven't heard anyone here say anything along those lines, and if they did, then they're an idiot. Anyway, my compromise would be that the...
(( Never again will a party be held on Antares without the looming threat of invasion ))
I like 1.0's assets. They are a nice addition. But, why did they remove so much for 1.0? Why couldn't they leave it in? 1.0 may be all shiny and...
And on the lore side of things, I don't think anyone here really likes the idea of the protectorate.
Skarti No, I don't have a last name.
Kookaburras find 5am hilarious. I don't know why.
Ew no.
Praise Tzeentch
-Core Worlds- Home to the council chambers aboard the Dae-Ilseong station and many of the most developed worlds in council space, this sector is...
Nah. The original idea for the council was an alliance of necessity between the major factions so as to better combat the looming threat from the...
Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird
Not shown: The shining beacon of hope, order and peace that is Holy Avos. Praise be.