Separate names with a comma.
-Izzida- I don't know what to say. It took a long time to get the courage to say anything, but I should at least acknowledge that I saw this. I...
I've been kinda absent and I'm just going to say outright I'll be on a small hiatus. If you really need me message me. Too much going on IRL
I'm actually a travelling teacher with some experience teaching typically young floran. If you'd like we could meet-up and arrange classes....
Yeah we already had the coal discussion. My current thought is how plausible would it be for their to be their main building rigged up with...
[Journal] Entry #4 I was so tired waiting for Teddy last night I almost fell asleep before I could finish by evening prayers. It feels like I...
Oh no, I made a Shellton...Shell-pai? Nah... [IMG] he looks a little too shota for that
Izzida [IMG] And a bonus Parida [IMG]
Well I didn't intend to start it immediately I was putting out the idea to see if it was even worth bothering first. But yeah, if no one is...
At this point I haven't seen a lot of interest in actual involvement in this other then ordering. Is anyone up for co-managing the project? I...
That's actually a really interesting take on it. I like that idea a lot. I'll definitely add that to the brainstorming list. I was kind of aiming...
True, I'm not sure why I expected any less to be honest. [Edit] I won't be replying to this thread for awhile if anyone posts anything. Sorry if...
As a minor interlude, I don't recommend googling space pizza. There's some really weird stuff.
Yeah, or the 'little orbiting pizza ships that don't really move' idea. It's a ways off from being a reality if it ever becomes one anyways. I'll...
True, which still floods the market of (ship owning people) and makes the impression that it's not overly difficult to have/fly a ship. I...
I'm just going off the general way the server handles it. It's a fairly common-place thing in the world/time the game is and it's not so much...
There are more people in colonies then just the PC it's assumed that through on-planet shops, ships, etc... they've basically monopolized this...
I'm not 100% sure what this is supposed to represent but I like it.
I don't know yet I haven't figured out the full pricing and menu and probably won't until I fond a sort of c-manager for it. Gauging response...
You said it better then me. It feels like everybody around has a ship, and presumably a pilots license. Though I did consider sort of orbiting...
It's intended to be one store of an already existing and massively popular chain, like Domino's or Pizza Hut essentially. This would be more a...