Separate names with a comma.
*Her book is an unlabeled black leather journal with a crimson silk bookmark ribbon built into the spine. It looks to be brand new. Hiding in...
Hello! Welcome to Razr's Razors, home of the sector's finest razors! The home of the sector's only razors! Shipped second hand from the core...
*This leatherbound book is quite well kept. If it's not in his left cargo pocket, his journal can be found in the top drawer in his room on the...
Hello, citizens and visitors of Upside. My name is Kahlua Downsilk, and I'm offering the opportunity for anyone to earn a higher education. Upon...
The atmosphere is no more frigid than most days on this night. The springs are warm and inviting as always, though the settlement itself is...
Heya, asshat. Long time no see. I haven't written in this thing since I was a little girl. But then, I never really got a chance to grow up, so...
Hello and welcome to my first event. Thread. Thing. Great start. Kay, so what we're doing is an event around 9:30 EST that will be both...
Heyo everyone, just real quick. I'm going to be removing most of the Antarans from my friends' list. This isn't because I hate you, or anything....
*A cheesy animated intro begins the broadcast, followed by a very dapper Apex addressing the camera with an alluring smirk.* "Hello frontiersmen...
Okay. Buckle up kiddies, cuz this birdie's had an epiphany. It's no surprise that roleplay in Council Space has gotten stale as cold dog turds,...
So I was thinking of running a little event for about 4-8 people. There would be a broadcast from a MiniKnog outpost advertising paying volunteers...
You heard right, folks. For those of you itchin' to change your clothes' colors, you can do so once again with this fantabulous tool. It also now...
Gratitude. Apology. I want those to be the first things you see from me on this piece of paper, punctuated with sincerity. No matter how many...
Heya. I've been wondering what the interest level for some kind of school or otherwise learning place might be for Antares. A place where your...
*A small jornal-style notepad kept in the ICS Waverunner* *Dated 05-28-2415* Hec. Just Hec. That's who I've become. I was born Mitch Evans on...
I really like the feminine poses on male characters in Starbound. It looked fun to draw, so here's a chocolate bird with a little sassy-hip...
Heyo everyone. I got kinda tired of not everyone having the same music packs, so I stuffed a crapload of the ones I could find into a zip folder...
Hello, hello~ IC Ziggy is a burglar and loves being challenged by detailed security systems and patrolling guards. Unfortunately, there's not...
Is there a way to keep people off of your server that don't have the same mods installed as are installed on your server? When Antares goes down...
So with a little science, Luke (Lukin Vernswick) and I were able to deduce that top-tier armors will grant you 240-350 armor rating. Top tier...