Separate names with a comma.
If you were a Refract Valley citizen then you received a personal message this morning. “Due to the destruction of a driving force of this...
((OOC note, I believe that this article has been published but I'm not sure OOC if it has because the article isn't in the starnet news section,...
To everyone wanting to do any type of event in Refract Valley, Ziggy is my new Communications Manager. That's OOC. Meaning if it has anything to...
Hello, Darlings. Raybina Primfeather again. It seems the man baby (Or woman baby, we won't discriminate) behind the first media attack on our...
Regarding the linked starnet news article, and its lack of commitment to truth. "As Refract Valley finds itself growing larger, many of the...
((In the Civic Center there is music playing, and sometimes it's broken up by advertisements in between. The following posts are recorded...
So, we're low on staff again, how do we become less low on staff when we don't have enough staff to choose new staff? Let's ask the community!...
Don't like how things look in the Valley? Build something! Send me a PM and I'll tell you where, and if it looks good we'll keep it around....
For Immediate Release: Raybina Primfeather, Owner. A non-citizen of Refract Valley provoked a floran citizen, Rose, by calling her explicit...
((This is saved on a cloud drive, and through an error in the save permissions it's available in the saved files of every borrowed laptop in the...
To whom it may concern, I don't know why you thought it appropriate to park your eyesore in Refract Valley without permission, but know that it...
((Hello, there is a problem concerning moving the apartments to New Refract. It's built over the line at which the numbers go from their highest...
Hey, post here if you have a job in Refract Valley. Say your characters name and where you work/live so it's easier to keep track, not only for me...
Is there anything in the Valley that doesn't work properly? Sticky doors, furniture glitching out? Let me know here. Comments that only say 'it's...
Coordinates: 431, 436, Omega Legion IV. OOC Rules and Tips: - Put your gun away unless your using it IC. People keep breaking decor, and it...
A small bound notebook with pink geometric patterns on a white background is carelessly left in the top shelf above the couches in the Refract...
The districts of Refract Valley separate its lawlessness from its order. In the Inner Zone, we will have stricter laws, and enforcers to keep...
In order to best place you in an occupation, please answer every single question in this form. If you are uncomfortable with it's public status,...
Refract Valley has an easy to complete form to fill out to request housing. Housing costs are based on income, work ethic, location, and jobs....
Nestled comfy and cozy between two mountains on the beautiful lush planet of Saldalmelik Prime II sits Refract Valley Center, the beautiful common...