Separate names with a comma.
I made von Fleischer, now I want to use him some. I want to have an event on the Station where von Fleischer pays someone to place neurotoxin...
Board Members It has come to my attention that Rothfield Genetic accounts have been hacked by an anti-government terrorist, though it has been...
I want to make Avian corpses for an event. Not the Protectorate ones in game, but ones that can be modified (poses, feather color, etc.) Not...
Vaneworth Asylum for the Criminally Insane Public Warning: Dangerous Individual Loose UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THIS INDIVIDUAL BE CONFRONTED;...
Rothfield Genetics currently is in the position where it is easier to have monitored AIs run some administrative processes than have a human do...
For those of you who have played a lot of Starbound singleplayer, maybe you have seen the Apex Brain Mutant. You know, the ones in the wheelchair?...
Mrs. Bartel, As requested, AVA is operational and is keeping all systems in the station at adequate levels. When the final systems check and...
Employees of Phoenicis Cradel Facility, Congratulations on joining Rothfield Genetics on this new frontier of genetic perfection. We at Rothfield...
Researcher (area of research to be determined after employment)- 2,000 pixels Research Assistant- 900 pixels Clinical Staff- 875 pixels Head of...
Site Administrator: Dr. Heinrich Steiner Head of Security: Ironblade Division Representative: Charles Fawkes Security: Zawuba Vivian Cole...
Balance: 700,000 Pixels Starting Funds: + 700,000
[IMG] ROTHFIELD GENETICS Rothfield Genetics was founded by Harvy Rothfield two years ago with the idea of assisting those with Genetic Disorders,...
Permission to post a Rothfield Genetics home page in the Factions page. I have 3 people, including myself, who are people in the group and I woud...
[IMG] ROTHFIELD GENETICS We at Rothfield Genetics are looking for able bodied people to assist us in our goal: Perfection for the Future. We are...
[IMG] [IMG][IMG] ROTHFIELD GENETICS Founded by Hadrian...
Hi! I have absolutely no idea how to format this so I will ask a question, explain, and let it go from there. (Or something like that) I have an...
Nicodemus is an elderly human, around 6'9, 184 lbs., with a tall, yet slender build and pale skin. His careworn face is relatively wrinkle free,...
*This black leather bound journal is kept under lock and key in a safe in Hawthorn's house. Unless he has not found a home yet or he is moving,...
Hey everyone! I am new here and, while I am not used to RPing in Starbound, I do have some RP experience. Hopefully nothing explodes while I am...