Separate names with a comma.
GALAXY NEWS NEWS ACROSS THE SECTORS (For context, please read our previous coverage of the Namusk Incident here.) The Namusk incident has...
I love Elite. Its a big reason as to why i've been less active on here. Anyone else have it? If so, you should totally add me. My pilot name is...
As the title implies, whats something that you love to do? For me, I'm a huge astronomy geek. Im planning on going to university and getting a...
The following are text entries on Allen's PDA. You need to know the password to his PDA in order to access them, or have decent-ish hacking...
On the abandoned colony of New Chicago, one might find an elevator in one of the deeper underground segments. The elevator, for obvious reasons,...
So im still kinda on haitus from the server, though I'm probably gonna come back SOOOOON. Spoilers anyone? [spoiler] How has everyone been? Any...
I'm thinking of creating a technology faction using an existing but idle character, Vireo. His IC excuse for leaving was travelling out of sector,...
As the title implies, what's your steam username? Post it here and I'll probably add you and some other people will probably end up adding you too...
It's been seven days. FTL is offline, pirates have attacked. Power reserves extremely low, been wearing my EVA suit on and off for the past three...
GALAXY NEWS NEWS ACROSS THE SECTORS an intergalactic cooperation [spoiler] [spoiler] Note: Looking to help us? If you want to help spread...
Hello, and thank you for visiting! We are a private company called 'Nebula', and we will ship, transport, and deliver your goods to wherever they...
I see all these super fantastic amazing buildings on all the colonies, and I really love the way buildings in Starbound look. However, whenever I...
((Sit down and gather around youngsters, for today I shall spin you the tale of the Vireo Heartplume that the Stargazers know. Ah yes, before his...
I am in dire need of 'Terran red blood cell imiating nanobots' for a friend. He has ran completely out of the required drug, and has only a few...
Another half baked idea from your favorite forum member, ME! (ok, maybe second favorite, but I know you guys love me) I've seen many factions on...
((This is Vireo's personal log. This can only be accessed by someone on Vireo's ship terminal. Feel free to comment OOCly or IC'ly if you've...
I need approx. 3 liters of coolant for the main thruster of a ship I am doing repairs on. Quick delivery would be appreciated, as currently the...
This thread has no real purpose. Let's see what happens. (And hope to God this doesn't crash and burn or turn into an internet argument over...