Separate names with a comma.
Out of boredom I found a game on some forums. Out of tiredness I post a similar one here. Out of interest I wanna see how creative people can get....
He was a noble being, blessed for what he believed in was right for everybody as a whole. His ideals made and continue to make a change in how we...
What if we put a mirror in Space, facing Earth and the people on it, a few lightyears away from us. If we had a telescope (of some kind) to look...
So, I've been working on my new character, Vernon, who has been a bitch to prepare in Starcheat. I go ingame, and look at my characters menu......
Do NOT place moles. Their icon in the CES mod is a crafting bench, and apparently, sometimes when you try to craft a workbench,...
You have to be fucking kidding me. I mean-- ALOT of people, one being myself, recolored vanity items that just so happened to be of the...
Everyone's had their moments on HL2RP (GMod). The people that played it when it was dying I wanna know about your experiences, good or bad. I know...
I was thinking about maybe making a group, consisting of at most five people give or take. Basically, wearing suits or everyday clothing to...
-TRANSACTIONS LOG- -USER DYNYL GRETCHEN- Generating TRANSACTIONS LOG from dates 2414 to 2415> Generated TRANSACTIONS LOG successfully. You may...
Long long time ago, I used to stitch up dolls off of random people. I searched through some of the stuff I brought with me when I abandoned Earth,...
My name is Dynyl, I don't go by anything other. My arm's recently been, and it's hard to type this but, cut off. I'd rather not speak about how it...
*These stolen notes may be found anywhere. It is unknown who is putting them out to the public. Feel free to find it in-characterly, your...
Ryarisu Clothing has been manufacturing clothing for years on, until we ourselves have realized something terribly wrong; We're manufacturing...
Are you feeling like you could do anything for quick pixels? You won't have to. Are you able-bodied but can't find a stable workplace? Don't...
I'm that person who will stop to hold the door open for people, and perhaps rip half of my cookie apart for you. I'm that person who sits in the...