Separate names with a comma.
On October 6th, 2016, Lukas Bennett passed away at the age of 15. Around 2014-2015, he was a roleplayer in this community. He played on two...
Can someone EXPLAIN to me these people who appear to be in some FANTASY land? They scare me greatly, and I BELIEVE that one of them has had SEXUAL...
I might as well use the section that was my idea to integrate. -cough- Anyways, I'd like some criticism on: Corvus, my cocky, occasionally...
On arriving, I was met by two Stargazers having a conversation. It was nice, one of them was stuttering. Anyways, it was a pretty nice place, nice...
Oi. Honestly, I feel like the levels of negativity and tense politics have been really high on Starnet. So, just to completely juxtapose that,...
So, as a few of you are aware, I've been commenting recently OOC about the lack of characters who represent genders other than male and female....
So, if no one heard, much of the Star Wars Expanded Universe is no longer considered canon to leave creative freedom for the people working on the...
My name is ELIZABETH. My occupation is BLACKSMITH. My family name is DIRE. DIRE has fallen. We came under attack from family WOLF. FATHER is...
Hello, is Spore. Discuss. Favorite food is apple. What is favorite food of Netstar? Favorite drink is water. What is favorite food of Netstar?...
April 14th So, I started writing a journal, I guess. I never thought I would wind up doing this, but I needed to vent, and those walls of text...
Yeah, so ever since Lilligan quit the words of the day thing, I thought "Huh, Corvus. The world's gonna be pretty lousy without her stuff." So,...
-A new video appears on Starnet. Crowliss is tied to a pole, missing his left arm, and he is being repeatedly beaten with a whip. He is covered in...
-A video appears on Starnet. You see a sleeping K., sitting down at a table in front of a window. Molren slowly walks into frame, grinning widely....
I feel as if the slavery thing isn't enough. So, I'm thinking that he'll manage to trap at least one of his pursuers, and he'll kill them. Then, I...
I have started to set up something of a slave business. From searching about a few databases, I have learned that there is quite a large refugee...
It's out today, and I've downloaded it to 35%. I can't wait.
The votes reset again! Fight Vote for your server!
The music, the animation, the charm. What's not to love except the blatant marketing? Shall we discuss our favorite Disney films?
:Corvus: I received this message from a man named Aaron. "iT Is finIsheD *a picture of Prism's ship is shown. Prism is propped up against the...