Separate names with a comma.
Alright, after bouncing a few ideas off a friend, this is the end result. Gonna list some tl;dr pros and cons. Pros Glitch feel without the...
[ATTACH] Hey guys! So I'm building a Glitch colony that is still hive-mind controlled. I'm still considering all the options when it comes to...
We're having an event at 17:00 CT, and need you to commit suicide for us. The theme of it is "Recovering Omega's Shipment of Shooty Sticks." I...
So to anyone who has been a part of or been keeping up with this little story arc I started, it's about to come to a close. To anyone not familiar...
[ATTACH] This message is meant to be received by fellow Hylotl... I am Luutachi, a humble monk who resides in a now empty Monastery. I am...
OoC Notice: The following thread is Eria's research of the Tentacultist Parasite. This was made to give a general understanding of how they worked...
(( The following post is listed in the shadier places of Starnet. Regular civilians and the law-abiding have little reason to have managed to find...
-Can be found within Eria's private terminal in her med lab- >>Power: ON >>Accessing Reports. >>... >>Access Granted. >>Welcome, Eria. Ah,...
MISSING Found Vivian Latemme Thank you so much for all the information those of you who helped have provided. I'm happy to say that Vivian...
- Hammerdog's Audio Log #1 - *click* In the background, the sound of fabric flapping in heavy winds is prominent. The soft crunch of sand being...
Well I recently lost a few supplies and I need to replace them as soon as possible... Guns, flares, rope, you know- general necessities of life...
(Crap this came out a lot longer than I expected it to. Either read this when you have plenty of spare time or just skim over. Sorry! Also, please...
-Zalexia- After a long day of investigating a certain matter, I came across a tape recorder in an asteroid base. Now that's all fine and dandy,...
I just recently got my character approved and am looking forward to meeting the community soon!