Separate names with a comma.
hello family and friends of antares i used to play on this wonderful server but then i took an unexpected and unplanned break due to lack of...
RACE Bipedal Security Robot NAME GL1-D3R DESCRIPTION GL1-D3R is an outdated security drone made from the droid factories on Mars. He was...
//>>> Enter Password : ***** --- Password Accepted //>>> Enter Command : open file //>>> File Name : videologs --- Confirmed, Opening File ---...
[MEDIA] [ATTACH] Enlist Today! Serve the Galactic Empire! Hail! This message is brought to you by Emperor Palpatine.
6/?/2415 Subject: Yay... not really. -- I can't believe I am making one of these. I never thought I would. However, I found a spare crude journal...
The great actor was in many famous films, such as Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. He played Saruman in Lord of the Rings, and Count Dooku in Star...
I uh I finally got into anime rip social life and no im not going to turn into a weeaboo
So uh... I've been on a here for quite a while, but I never posted an intro! I just popped up. So this may be a bit late... *ahem* year late...
Finally, I've been on Antares for... 1 YEAR! I've had some great expriences here, and it was all thanks to you guys. Of course.. there were bad...
So today was my birthday and I got a new computer. It's not exactly for gaming, but its 100000x times better than my old one. Bad news is, I have...
(( This can be found on Olyfin's computer on his ship, or on his personal PDA that he carries around. Requires a password to sign into and enter...
Post your favorite country here. It don't have to be where you live. :D Rules: No racism, and no hate on other countries....
So, lately I've been hearing the term "Shadow Avian" being tossed around. Having joined this server not long ago, I wish to know what this term...
well today i beamed down and i passed some stupid flightless and then i walked up the stairs and i was told that some vigilantes that owed some...
So, on the Antares 1.0 thread ( If you haven't seen it yet, go to Announcements and look at it pls ), it says cloning may make a return. So I...
-Upon clicking the link, unless you have some pretty strong AntiVirus software, then a ding would be heard as a /lot/ of popups appear on your...
-It'd be impossible to access this unless you get on Tachi's ship somehow, gain access to his ship console, and gain his password and username.-...