Separate names with a comma.
... If we were to discover life outside of Earth? How would you react if this life is in the form of microorganisms that have yet to evolve into...
The broadcast begins with a long drag of static that lasts for nearly a full minute, undisturbed. Anyone with the ability to view the streamed...
If there was a point in life in which you could return to in order to change the outcome of a situation, what would you attempt to change and why...
so i drew cairn because i was bored in philosophy class and touched it up with 10/10 1337 sk1llz photoshop master changer pls no hurt [IMG]
Date: 4/11/2415 I never thought I'd be writing a journal, I honestly thought that stuff was only for girls. I learned just recently that it...
April seventh; Many things have happened recently - some have grown overwhelming and others have been bliss like I've never experienced. Just a...
The log appears to have been damaged from both water and time. The pages are somewhat weak and it appears that the ink that was used to write had...
**This post has been made under the username 'Cairn.'** What is your purpose in life? Do you serve yourself or others? Do you abstain from paths...
On the page provided there is a series of scrambled text that appears to have no meaning or no value to anyone who sucks at decoding. Etreh is on...
Log 1: 3/26/iforgotwhatyearitwas My current status: Tired as all hell Log: This's my first log I'm ever writing. I gotta say it feels weird to...
If you hear anything that sounds like 'Hello' or 'clicking' or anything like that from the public transmissions, DO NOT RESPOND TO THEM. They are...
New Stone Etch, found somewhere around the main island of Katune. It's embedded in the sand and is too heavy to move. Something carved into it...
//Connection Successful// //Posting Message// I have been set into an inactive state for about 6 or so months, and my last recording was being...
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Hello, my name is Sam. I am a sentient medical droid with vast knowledge of medical procedures. I carry many tools to work with a variety of...
Entry 01: So it's been.. erm.. what, two weeks since I arrived at Marathon? Maybe it was more than that.. I sort of lost track of time. The cycle...
-Haystacker- So, like, I've been going around the place recently and I've come across a couple of Agaran.. er. 'Societies' in random planets. Of...
I can hear everything. They don't even know. Sometimes I listen, sometimes I speak. But they don't suspect a thing. My transceiver is still...
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-Sam- The following message is a long string of binary coding that, when translated into English, reveals the following message; Hello! I am...