Separate names with a comma.
Please fill out this form for any maintenance required in the Erebus System (Orwell, Erebus Factories, etc.). Name: Location: Describe the...
Today, September 22, is World Rhino Day! Please join me in rejoicing that rhinos all over the world still grace us with their presence.
Hello, everyone. Change is happening a lot these last few days, and I'd like to make a list to get things going in the right direction. If people...
The Strongfist Quarry has recently reopened, with hopes of expanding, both physically and through a network. So far, the quarry produces stone and...
This is where companies will periodically post contracts for Antares to bid on. They will post an amount of resources they need, and a price they...
ALERT LEVEL: ONE Advertisements flood Antares' localized StarNet. While advertisements are commonplace, out on the frontier many of these...
So for those of you who are fans of mobile game fads, there's an iPhone and Android app called Boom Beach, which is made by the people who did...
As of the moment, I am looking to purchase liquid Erchius at an amount of 1000 gallons biweekly, at a price of 1.5 pixels per gallon. I will pay...
Accessing User Database... User: "Tarlach" Passcode: ******** ... Log-in Successful! Accessing File "Finance_Reports"... Loan from "Arcturus...
I'll start. When I walk into public restrooms I always check to see if there are urinals, because I forgot whether the door sign said men or women's.
ECONOMIC GUIDELINES Hello! This is a guide to explain what we would like to see happen regarding how business and factions are handled, and some...
A transmission appears on the screen, first as a binary code, then in wording. Words and clauses are missing from the message, but this appears to...
Hello, Antares! I am from the USA, but this thread is in hopes that maybe I can get a few people outside of my continent to have a more enjoyable...
I've got a few other games, and think it'd be nice if we got to know each other better with some other games. I'm open to suggestions for games,...
Hello! Please keep in mind that as you read this post and possibly respond to it, that I am not bringing this up on behalf of the staff; while it...
Pretty self explanatory. Post your Celebrity Crush or Guilty Pleasure and why. Pics are encouraged, as long as they are appropriate. I'll start:...
These files would be found in the desk of Chief Warrant Officer Eugene Donovan after his death. Dates of events are included alongside each entry....
The Administration of Port Last is as of now selling land on the colony for those looking to construct manufactories. Each piece of land comes...
The Relzurautt Armada is looking for experienced foremen for both mining and lumber operations. Please message Chief Warrant Officer Donovan for...
So at work, I've started buying a movie soundtrack each week on iTunes and playing it. People love it, and I don't know what to buy next. I'm...