Separate names with a comma.
Colony: Fernbrook Field Tech Status: Crystals not found, no suspicion. Tech on the planet is limited to gas and boiler, water, and simple...
This is a quick, semi-official broadcast. The formatting and speech inside such does not reflect on the Shardpriests as a whole, but as of...
Written in Qustulian Dialected Avian Experiment: Log 1: Experiments with Notchli's commands seem to be pretty light. She's got a brain in her...
Why were the lights so bright? Chitli looked up from the sitting spot on the shuttle, he had dozed off for a moment! Next to him, crammed shoulder...
[Written in Traditional Avian Text] My prayers had worked... somewhat. We made it out of Antares and into another heap of trouble. We're stranded...
[IMG] Here, for all your bird lovers. This is Avian 'kissing'. Enjoy. no I won't include clocoal kissing
Fenuku Burials We free your loved ones unto the peace of the Aether. It may be difficult going through such a hard time, having to mummify your...
If you have not read the advertisement on what we do, please click below! Advertisement - Fenuku Burials | Starbound Roleplay Fenuku Burials We...
What ever happened to the status updates? I miss them.
To: Colony of Qustul, Mecatl Fenuku From: Antares Sector, Ammon Fenuku Date: The Fourteen of the Mooring Sun [Written in Traditional Avian...
You can do all kinds of stuff here that'll make your inner child laugh. Side View Generator Just plop in a name, not all will work.
((These records are available to the public view when looking at "Unity's" Starnet profile page. However, they are not able to be commented on))...
[Found on Ammon ("Dipper")'s crude PDA] I can't take this anymore. The other prisons I've been to were so different feeling. I have no sense of...
I created a Flightless Avian named Siarra Sterling a few months ago, with the help of Leschinsky since I can't make sense of SBSE in the...
This is a petition for the filtration of the Floran populace of Asani. Lately, many Florans have been the cause of violence and studies have shown...
[MEDIA] Motherpluckin Avian Magic
Post infomercial gifs. Do it scrub. [IMG]
My character, Wenzhi (I mispell his name all the time), wields a Kusarigama in combat. Would it be possible to create one using Starbound's weapon...
[Cloud-Feather's corpse now lays in a marked grave on Taranis, near the farmland.]
Hey, Starbound has recently gotten trading cards and I'd like to trade some of my stuff for them. I got duplicates, scrap metal, guns, all kinds...