Separate names with a comma.
Very important! The Berg is situated on a planet that will deal cold damage to you if you're not wearing a cold EPP or have a mod that removes it....
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Looking for work? You've come to the right place. Welcome to our contact page. Use the comment section below to...
This webpage is paid for by: Vaughn Mining Co. [IMG] About Us: The Berg, as it was named by its original settlers, began as a simple mining...
Ah, well. Just a lil reminder, you don't need to apply to make events or things. This would've been pretty okay to do entirely without approval,...
Once again, looking good, but kinda raised a few concerns here. Mainly how the soldiers are made to look like...
So... it seems that you wanna build a planet that's warring? Do you intend of having this be a colony/place people can visit whenever? Or is it...
Nothing much has really changed, you probably know how that goes. Still a bunch of dudes that RP. Welcome back!
While we don't have those mods anymore, there are other things that kinda fit the purpose. WEdit, a world editing mod, allows for noclip so you...
tha god
I totally and completely expected spam. You got me. Welcome to Antares!
Welcome to Antares!
<Audio File: Log #1> [ "Dat first recordin' idea lasted real long, eh? Fuckin' dumb... dis PDA is way better. Figured I was gonna fuckin' starve...
I don't believe we've met, but I look forwards to doing so! Welcome back to the server.
Welcome (back) to the server! It's a familiar name for certain. Server is very inactive due to a lack of planet chat, but we're working on a fix...
Being honest, your application was seemingly lost/ignored. We're really sorry to have made you to wait this long, but I reviewed the app and...
Welcome to Antares, man! We're all pretty friendly, so i'm sure you'll have no trouble getting into the community.
Welcome to Antares! Hope you enjoy your time around the community!
Welcome back to Antares!