Separate names with a comma.
Get your human heresy out of here. This is OUR thread now!
All humans have addictions to guns and money. Most creatures do in fact... And snazzy means fly, hip, cool, looking better than the old shit. -...
Exactly the point I made. They're just penny-grabbing scumbags who sell something that looks a tad snazzier than what everybody already has. -...
Welcome to the creativity centre, buddy! :) If I may ask though, why did you choose to draw a Nazi leader?
So this would be enough to start a faction? (Excuse my naivety, never made a faction under the new rules =w=)
Well with me, Arc's char, Raideck's interest and Kon's interest, that makes four. If we get one more person in, then we'd technically have enough...
Yes, eldritch abominations. This is a thing, and I want to create a group of fanatics who have zero care for anything the unloyal think of them,...
So I post unfinished pics to compensate for this thread's inactivity. First up, progress on the stock: [ATTACH] Some work on the clip: [ATTACH]...
As the title suggests I have started a Tentacultist group. It currently has only one member, so I reach out to YOU, forum-dwellers! Who would want...
Afternoon all! I hope you got your spare pairs of clean white knees, because the ones you have on now are about to go skin-colored once again......
Name: Mr Sunwings Work Order: Massage parlour Reasoning: Gives all creatures a place to relax and unwind.
Humans are so thick-skulled. - [email protected]
It's the name.
We must praise Dawnrat!!!!
Am I the only one who agrees? While I'm not a human, i find it kind of distressing that I can't take ten steps on Olympus without getting filmed...
Praise Dawnrat!
You facking wot m8 I have plenty of songs to share, all of which induce the mightiest of HEAD-BANGING! [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] I live for bass...
Sure! Go right ahead.
Tentacultists. As said before. Trying to keep their actions on the down-low but still at the same time spreading the cult and taking out any major...
And then everybody lynches the guy who tried to do that :P "Death to the guy who wants peace!" "Yeah, fuck that guy!" "B-But peace is a great...