Separate names with a comma.
Hello all! Sorry for being so late in getting more drawings up, I was ill. So ill literally the only thing I could do without aching or getting...
Illness. Illness everywhere.
((I have no idea why you think you need criticism on your spelling, punctuation and grammar, or SPaG as it's more easily referred to. The only...
Also, as a bonus uploading, I realised the mainly-FNaF artist Rebornica goes to my school and is in a few of my classes. So I drew some of the...
Alright, so! I haven't posted in a coupla days, but I swear I've been saving this up! Time for... AN IMAGE DUMPING! First up, a little sketch of...
I could do 4-5pm probably. Sweet! Again, contact me if there's anything you'd need me to do.
Rabbits. Fatally cute rabbits are on my ship.
Saturday/Sunday would be good for me too, but I'm on european time. So, if you can work something out for both euro players and US players, that...
I'm down for a bit of Avian-vs-Avian RP. When will it happen?
A rogue Glitch came aboard my ship once. It crashed.
The connection fades out, then suddenly jumps to a much clearer sound-quality. The... Thing you believe that Parker has become speaks now, a...
Link doesn't work for me, got another one?
As a side-note, if anybody wants a free avatar-sketch get in touch, I'd be happy to try out my "skills" with characters other than Avians. You can...
That's a pretty Stellar joke, Night.
I have no money but I need dis :(
I never thought about that... She either lives happily alongside them or it's special termite-proof wood.
Here they are; [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I don't like how the feet came out in the first, but hey. Gotta make mistakes and learn from them, eh?...
Also, I haven't got the Artist trophy for this >.> More will come in a few hours, or specifically Acacia's new tree-sweater. By the way, hi Hydra!
I don't know, but I hope it'll beak-come popular. Or am I just setting my sights too hylotl?
So, here's a new couple of pictures (can be starbound-related if that's necessary on this, but aren't intended to be.) Zuk'Cynn, Prince of The...