1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.
Not A President
Last Activity:
2y 42w ago
Oct 19, 2014
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Trophy Points:
May 31
Home Page:
Townsville, Street Ave.
deep web spelunking

Not A President

[help me], Male, from Townsville, Street Ave.

you just got spoop'd m8 Oct 15, 2015

Not A President was last seen:
May 17, 2022
    1. Not A President
      Not A President
      you just got spoop'd m8
      1. skeletor
        make a character sheet nerd
        Oct 15, 2015
    2. Not A President
    3. Not A President
    4. GuardPhoenix269
      I was informed I should contact a Moderator upon acceptance of a StarBound WL for further instruction. Is this correct?
      1. Kazyyk
        Use the Contact button next to the Apply button in the navbar.
        Jul 22, 2015
      2. Not A President
        Not A President
        The Contact button makes a PM to about all of the staff rather than putting you through the effort of contacting each individual one.
        Jul 22, 2015
    5. Not A President
      Not A President
      So I heard PZ is getting a famous mod into development of a future updated.. Mod called Apcom. Look it up on the Indiestone forums.
      1. Not A President
        Not A President
        It's a mod with a ton of different types of radios. The servers that use it have all-talk disabled, so that's about the only way you can communicate; If you're close enough and have the same frequency.
        I love the mod, and can't wait to see it in a future update if they do go through with it.
        Jul 17, 2015
    6. Not A President
      Not A President
      [help me]
      1. View previous comments...
      2. FoRgE
        [still helping]
        Jul 2, 2015
      3. Not A President
        Not A President
        [somehow still breathing]
        Jul 2, 2015
      4. FoRgE
        [because i'm still helping]
        Jul 2, 2015
    7. Not A President
      Not A President
      Don't think I'm leaving or anything, but I'm on a temporary hiatus. A lot of things going on that're ruining my social life. It pains me.
      1. Not A President
        Not A President
        I'll still be around the forums during this hiatus to do stuff like check out the forums for, ex. applications or just normal posts.
        Jun 11, 2015
      2. Smokestack
        I hope things turn out better for you, NAP.
        Jun 11, 2015
      3. Not A President
        Not A President
        Slowly but surely, actually. I was doubtful. I thought I was gonna have to deal with the stress of depressed peeps I can't do much for.
        I'll still be on and off the server time to time, considering Evergreen kinda has some priorities.
        Jun 11, 2015
    8. Not A President
      Not A President
      Crashed my bike on my way home from the park whereas I was asked if I wanted some 'fire'... 10/10 day
      1. Not A President
        Not A President
        asked at the park by some guy that is if i wanted kush.
        Jun 9, 2015
    9. Not A President
      Not A President
      Ahh, man. I love learning how to main a character in SSB4. My new main; Mittle Lac.
    10. FoRgE
      wow skrub.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. FoRgE
        That struggle when I can't like my own comment. :((((( #STRUGGLE #FACEBOOK #KILLME
        Jun 6, 2015
      3. Not A President
        Not A President
        brb chugging oxiclean
        Jun 6, 2015
      4. FoRgE
        Jun 6, 2015
    11. Not A President
      Not A President
      Interesting story. Brother got up from his chair, fell into the wall, looked like he had a seizure for a minute. Scared the fuck out of me.
      1. Not A President
        Not A President
        He was lightheaded from sitting down playing games too long, but gosh. His head was twisting really weirdly when he was laying down, thought he snapped his fucking neck! Thankfully he got up, though. Arms were shaky though. And thankfully me mum and me pap were in the room...

        He was headed downstairs, too. Thank GOD he didn't reach the stairs yet.
        Jun 4, 2015
    12. Not A President
      Not A President
      Next person that asks if Shark was approved I'm gonna slap a bitch.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Solour
        are you finished with those errands
        May 31, 2015
      3. Boz0
        Self injury is wrong, NaP.

        Lawl rekt
        Jun 1, 2015
      4. Not A President
        Not A President
        My sides bozo
        Jun 1, 2015
    13. Not A President
      Not A President
      What's worse than three babies in one dumpster? ... One baby in three dumpsters.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Cole Ombre
        Cole Ombre
        Can't argue with that logic.

        Would like too, but can't.
        May 31, 2015
      3. SP3CTR3
        What about one baby at the bottom of the dumpster that's eating it's way out..............>gasp<
        May 31, 2015
      4. Not A President
        Not A President
        Life is like a hamburger. You're raised, you're killed, and in the long run... something's eating your corpse.

        And, uh, in the long run, noone gives a shit c:
        May 31, 2015
    14. Not A President
      Not A President
      Why does everything fucking bad happen around me? I feel like I can't do shit to help out friends anymore.
      1. Ricardo
        Whaaaaat do you mean, sir?
        May 27, 2015
      2. McSodaCrit
        You helped me out a lot man.
        May 29, 2015
      3. Not A President
        Not A President
        It's other friends. Completely different social groups.
        On a better note, it's getting slowly back on track for them.
        May 29, 2015
    15. Not A President
      Not A President
      dont die on me snake
      1. meanwhile
        May 25, 2015
      2. Twitch
        May 25, 2015
      3. Solour
        we will sometimes have to sell ourselves and services.
        If the time demand it, we'll be revolutionaries, criminals, terrorists.
        And yes, we may all be headed straight to hell.
        May 26, 2015
    16. Not A President
      Not A President
      filthy frank is my lifeline
      1. McSodaCrit
        May 24, 2015
      2. Not A President
        Not A President
        i have friends too
        May 24, 2015
    17. Not A President
      Not A President
      I need to start making one again. Can't remember the last time I did one.
    18. Not A President
      Not A President
      how many sphes
    19. Not A President
      Not A President
      fIGHT ME M80
      1. meanwhile
        m8 i kno were ur mailbox livs
        May 18, 2015
      2. Not A President
        Not A President
        my po box is 69420 cuntsville faggot ave
        try again next year
        May 18, 2015
    20. Not A President
      Not A President
      Hola! Como esta usted?