1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.
The Grand Mugwump
Last Activity:
7y 49w ago
Dec 29, 2013
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Deep Space
Space Navy Enlisted Bum

The Grand Mugwump

Hmmmmm, from Deep Space

Befuddled in San Diego May 28, 2016

The Grand Mugwump was last seen:
Mar 31, 2017
    1. The Grand Mugwump
      The Grand Mugwump
      Befuddled in San Diego
    2. CouchPotato360
      boogie woogie
      1. The Grand Mugwump
        Mar 7, 2015
    3. Chaos
      i followed your directions, i wrote over a paragraph, i read your lore, what else am i supposed to do -.-...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Chaos
        I also specifically stated that the pact was in vain and many of his allies died off which supports why they were never known about. Therefore, i was hoping it would be reasonable.
        Aug 17, 2014
      3. The Grand Mugwump
        The Grand Mugwump
        Yes, you do need a backstory for your specific character, but it needs to fit in the Starbound universe. If you do reapply, I would very highly advise to clearly state what the dark pact is (ie business deals, a gathering of like minded people, etc). Currently it sounds like some sort of magical deal with something for power.
        Aug 17, 2014
      4. Chaos
        Ok, thank you.
        Aug 18, 2014
    4. Chaos
      why was i denied? o.O
    5. fukkireta
      need to message you about somethings on my app that you got wrong.... but thanks for the approve!
    6. ManVsGaming
      Hello its me again i have made a new application and if you have time again could you check it out i think its pretty good this time.
      1. The Grand Mugwump
        The Grand Mugwump
        Try to get another moderator to give it a look. We try to let other people evaluate an app after each denial. If it hasn't been touched for another day or two, I can give it a look.
        Jun 17, 2014
      2. ManVsGaming
        Ive tried to but they all dont do anything even kyyzak said he would do it but never got to it.
        Jun 17, 2014
    7. ManVsGaming
      Hello again if you could, could you please tell me the reason i was denied not a over all reasons i could have been.
      1. The Grand Mugwump
        The Grand Mugwump
        Needs more detail and some rational explanation.
        A hylotl named Starcar?
        A musician seeking to perfect his music who spontaneously also happens to be a master sniper?
        Jun 15, 2014
      2. ManVsGaming
        Well actually i had a longer version which was never told what was wrong with it so i thought hey i would take my old application that was accepted a while back. I just want to get back on.
        Jun 15, 2014
    8. Bullet Monkey
    9. Jonathan
      I've replied to your question. I've been trying for two days to be accepted, am i almost finished? I really want to be on this server again.
    10. mr_pro_gamer96
      can I ask why I was denied
      1. View previous comments...
      2. mr_pro_gamer96
        do you have any advice that could help me?
        Jun 10, 2014
      3. The Grand Mugwump
        The Grand Mugwump
        I would say think about all of the sides in your story. It is very, very unlikely the son of two traitors will be taken in by the man who murdered them for scouting and political relations (high priority tasks).
        Jun 10, 2014
      4. mr_pro_gamer96
        Jun 10, 2014
    11. Popcorn247
      Hi, I'm sorry about the forum necromancy, I've already been reprimanded by three other people. You just accepted me yesterday and obviously I got a little too excited about it. I don't really understand how the forums work, and i didn't think to check the date on one of the first threads on the page. I think i'm just going to shut up on the forums for awhile...
      1. The Grand Mugwump
        The Grand Mugwump
        So long as you learn from it, you're fine.
        May 16, 2014
    12. Albino Axolotl
      Albino Axolotl
      Why the denied?
      1. The Grand Mugwump
        The Grand Mugwump
        Try to aim lower with your character's starting point. Already established (and apparently well payed for one hit?) hitman is a bit much. Your backstory also fails to mention why he bothered leaving his penthouse and well paying job to come to this part of the galaxy.
        May 14, 2014
    13. The Grand Mugwump
    14. Grifter
      Give Stanza back his leg.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Grifter
        No he doesn't D:
        Apr 9, 2014
      3. The Grand Mugwump
        The Grand Mugwump
        Yeah huh, he's got his real fake cloned one back.
        Apr 9, 2014
      4. Grifter
        Apr 9, 2014
    15. LeD
    16. The Grand Mugwump