1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.
Last Activity:
Mar 5, 2016 at 12:28 AM
Feb 3, 2014
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February 19
Hawaii, United States of America


New Member, Female, from Hawaii, United States of America

(✪㉨✪) Mar 6, 2014

Iris was last seen:
Mar 5, 2016
    1. Kai
      I hope you're okay!
    2. Jay
      Iris, I miss you! :<
    3. TAP123
      Been wondering how things were going o,o looking down though I can see you're busy with RL stuffs. Goodluck with your business!
    4. Chronicle
      ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
    5. Jay
      How's it going, friend?
      1. Iris
        Hi Jay! Ive been soooo busy with school that I havent even touched my computer in like forever! How have you been?
        Mar 31, 2014
      2. Jay
        I have been in a constant state of tiredness for like a month, I swear. Hope school is going well for you, even if it's keeping you really busy!
        Mar 31, 2014
    6. Ivrian
      Thank you for the new picture Iris. Although Im curious what the kanji beneath it mean. Or is that basicly what you posted along with it?
      1. Iris
        Absolute Command, i thought it was fitting
        Mar 10, 2014
      2. Ivrian
        Very fitting ^^
        Mar 10, 2014
    7. Iris
    8. Lavinda
      Be my waifu. Last person wouldn't accept. So it is your turn to be waifu'd. DO EET ; ;
      1. Iris
        what does that mean?
        Mar 4, 2014
      2. Lavinda
        Mar 5, 2014
      3. Iridium616
        Last person was me :/ I spent like 30 minutes to find what it meant and then the post was gone <_< .
        Mar 14, 2014
    9. Redwilt
      Hello! I have to admit im jealous of your paint skills! Youre very good at it!
      1. Iris
        I appreciate the compliment and dont be jealous! Practice makes perfect!
        Feb 17, 2014
    10. Iris
      Drawing takes me away from being sad
    11. Kai
      Heya! I can totally help you set up a wiki page! Also, where and when should we meet ingame? :o
      1. Iris
        Im currently at my house, its on my home planet that i posted in starnet general XD
        Feb 9, 2014
    12. Iris
      Help me with my Wiki page! My info is in my profile!
    13. Iris
      I'm hot and cold at the same time... X_X
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  • About

    February 19
    Hawaii, United States of America
    What do they look like: Long flowing black hair, of Japanese origin, slender build but above average muscle growth, extremely pretty with flawless skin, red scarf with black and gray wet-suit, and carries multiple firearms with a sword.
    What are their hobbies: Music, Hunting, Exploring, Traveling among the stars drifting in space listening to and playing music.
    What is their backstory: Iris knows little of where she came from. As an infant, she was sent out to space thus not knowing anything about her motherland or her birth parents (She yearns to find out her origins). She was raised by the on-ship computer system and a ship medical robot by the name of 0029. When she begun to understand and comprehend language, she was taught warfare and assassination protocols to eliminate while not discriminating age, gender or race.

    Unbeknownst to her, she was scientifically engineered to become THE deadliest assassin in the galaxy while also staying 100% human but being physically and mentally enhanced to peak human abilities. 0029 is the main source of her mission quota on a monthly basis. The only family she knows is her ship and 0029, due to this small number, Iris begins to feel a sense of longing and would like to meet others in whom she may be able to call comrade while keeping her "hitman" persona a secret.

    She has a very deep passion for music and has spent days on end playing her instruments that she recovered on her assassination missions.

    Only recently has she ever started to question her assassination contracts and seeks to atone for the missions that she is sent on by playing a melody on her guitar for each soul that departs the galaxy as she finishes them.

    She has never been caught due to her being genetically engineered thus making her stealth flawless with a 100% success rate on her contracts.
    Her eyes turn from blue to red during contracts which is in form a "mode" that she is set in making her numb to kill without remorse.


    [​IMG] Iris [​IMG] Sigui [​IMG] Jade

    *Click the faces for Wiki!*
    Gifs Courtesy of StarDust