These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.
- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- Nov 21, 1990 (Age: 34)
- Location:
- Fort Collins, CO
- Occupation:
- Professional Student
Bathmophobic, Male, 34, from Fort Collins, CO
Hoot. May 31, 2016
- Epitaxis was last seen:
- Sep 16, 2016
- Loading...
- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- Nov 21, 1990 (Age: 34)
- Location:
- Fort Collins, CO
- Occupation:
- Professional Student
Avatar by Jay (Rhiow) and paid for by Aiko.
I only play owls and owl-like accessories.
Chota - Spectacled Owl. Think of him as a Skarti that doesn't care about anything.
Uemalli - Pale Great Horned Owl. A grounded avian whose kind of a douche.