1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.
Dec 16, 2013
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    1. FunkiestGrain
    2. FunkiestGrain
      whats pm
      1. Kazyyk
        Private Message, also called Conversations on this forum. You can find it under a profile's Information tab.
        Apr 24, 2014
    3. FunkiestGrain
      hey can you check my apply it says to ask a mod or admin and your online so please check it
      1. Kazyyk
        Please send me a PM, thanks.
        Apr 24, 2014
    4. Shalken
      Hey there, my application to join has been waiting for acceptance for 3 days now, and I was wondering if you could possibly look at it?\

      1. Kazyyk
        If you could please message a Moderator, or send me your application link in a PM? Thanks.
        Apr 21, 2014
    5. Prof. Letrix
      Prof. Letrix
      Kazyyk, I dont know the password or IP to the server (antares), I am Prof. Letrix thats my characters name. Plz Pm me, I registered and it said I was approved or something. Much appciated! get back to me soon! :D also, I would like to transfer some gear so could you white list 'Letrix' please? As well as Prof. Letrix, any questions just ask me at my steam name Jessica Alba. XD DONT JUDGE ME
    6. Kazyyk
      Hawke has been promoted from Moderator to Administrator. You can now ask him about issues as well. I may be inactive recently due to life.
    7. Boboclown89
      I saw you gave me the medal "Legit" What's this for?
    8. Vekurito Asonagi
      Vekurito Asonagi
      Do you know how I can post a new colony on the forums?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vekurito Asonagi
        Vekurito Asonagi
        I've made the Conversation. What should I do now?
        Mar 28, 2014
      3. Kazyyk
        Sorry if I haven't gotten back to you yet, I've been extra busy as of late.
        Mar 28, 2014
      4. Vekurito Asonagi
        Vekurito Asonagi
        Take as much time as you need.
        Mar 28, 2014
    9. Kazyyk
      I'm currently looking for writers, so if you are one or know one, please let me know!
      1. Farathil
        Lol just saw this comment post right when I commented on the previous one, I write as a hobby whats the reasoning for asking if anyone's a writer?
        Mar 22, 2014
      2. Kazyyk
        Check the latest announcements, I started a blog recently.
        Mar 22, 2014
    10. Farathil
      Hello, I wanted to ask real quick I haven't been on in ages. Due to school and other activities, I cannot connect using the same login info as I did a month or two ago. Has the server been shut down or something of that nature, or do I need new login info?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Farathil
        Alright sorry for the trouble, thanks for the heads up.
        Mar 22, 2014
      3. Kazyyk
        No problem! It's what I'm here for.
        Mar 22, 2014
      4. Farathil
        Alright just posted an app. Excited to RP again.
        Mar 22, 2014
    11. Diddums
      Sorry for the disturbance, but it would seem, after approval, the link I followed comes up with "This whiteform list has expired." What do I do?
      1. Kazyyk
        Try again - let me know if it works.
        Mar 18, 2014
      2. Diddums
        Thanks for the quick response, I've completed the form now. Can't wait for the next restart at 9pm :D

        Again, thank you.
        Mar 18, 2014
      3. Kazyyk
        No problem!
        Mar 18, 2014
    12. Edvyn
      I was recently approved for the whitelist and tried logging in using the details I put into the form, only to have it come up with "wrong password". I've tried logging in many times.
      1. Kazyyk
        Private Messages are a preferred means of communication over writing on my wall. However - has the server restarted yet? It must restart before your credentials will take effect. It'll restart again as of this writing in about two hours and 20 minutes.
        Mar 17, 2014
      2. Edvyn
        Yes, I was told the credentials would take effect during the 9pm restart. It also says "Please don't PM me about login issues. Instead, post here." on your wall.
        Mar 17, 2014
      3. Kazyyk
        ... Touche, that is exactly what it says. Well, we'll need to talk in private to handle your matter, as I need your whitelist name, which you should not divulge publicly. Please click the chat button in the navigation page, set your nick to Edvyn, and I will start a private conversations with you there. Thanks!
        Mar 17, 2014
    13. Caevus
      I posted an application to get whitelisted 3 days ago and haven't recieved any replies. I don't want to sound impatient, but I was hoping to know if the process was moving forward and I'd get some feedback soon. Thanks.
      1. Kazyyk
        Sorry about the delay, we've got a bit of a backlog going on and we're working on it.
        Mar 17, 2014
      2. Caevus
        Thank you for letting me know.
        Mar 17, 2014
    14. Fantabulicious
      I was finally accepted and was given a link to whitelist form, and it says "Your whitelist form has expired." Help?
      1. Kazyyk
        Is this still the case?
        Mar 17, 2014
    15. Iridium616
      You're awake during (european) daytime again, yay!
    16. Griffon
      I've been playing on the server for a while now. Today after a restart my password mysteriously stopped working.... it keeps giving me a wrong password error. Any help you could give would be appreciated. Thank You.
      Username: Griffon
      1. Kazyyk
        Seems lie you got access after your application was denied, likely due to a leak in the whitelist form which has since been patched. You'll need to get in proper by applying, first.
        Mar 12, 2014
    17. Frost
    18. GarethYates
      I applied for whitelisting earlier today, and my password isn't working. Thanks for any help =]
    19. Genesu Staruwin
      Genesu Staruwin
      Hey Kaz, for some reason I'm having trouble logging in, i believe i have the wrong IP address. Did it change since the wipe?
      1. Kazyyk
        It's always s1.playstarboundrp.com
        Feb 27, 2014
    20. loidzhander
      Hello! I already applied in the Starbound forum a few months ago. Am I supposed to apply again? My character name is Keavou.
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