These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.

- Last Activity:
- Sep 3, 2016 at 1:27 PM
- Joined:
- Aug 6, 2016
- Messages:
- 4
- Likes Received:
- 0
- Trophy Points:
- 0
- Gender:
- Female
- Birthday:
- Aug 31, 1995 (Age: 29)
- Location:
- BC, Canada
- Occupation:
- being as useless as possible
aggressively lazy, Female, 29, from BC, Canada
oh boy Aug 7, 2016
- Marylis was last seen:
- Sep 3, 2016
- Loading...
- Gender:
- Female
- Birthday:
- Aug 31, 1995 (Age: 29)
- Location:
- BC, Canada
- Occupation:
- being as useless as possible
about me? o-oh.
well, my name is ellie. i dislike capital letters because they intimidate me. the word "knees" really freaks me out. uuh, i've listened to the leekspin song more than 2k times. i have a cat named noodle. i want to be a marine biologist, and also have a soul-crushing fear of the ocean. c:
i really enjoy horror games, even if they scare the crap out of me. overwatch would have to be my favourite game, followed closely by skyrim, dead by daylight, and dying light. i play a lot of video games on my pc except pokemon (x, alpha saphire, heartgold, leaf green etc).
i'm not very interesting, as i enjoy dwelling indoors and avoid most human-contact. . . but i hope to meet some new people or something.
ok byeInteract
Tallis - Female :: Human :: Likes to eat
Pidge - Female :: Avian :: Scared of germs