1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.
Last Activity:
9y 33w ago
Apr 19, 2014
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Jun 26, 1995 (Age: 29)
Somewhere in the land of Stupid Americans.
College. Also a movie theater.


New Member, Male, 29, from Somewhere in the land of Stupid Americans.

No, lies, it's MY birthday! Give it back. Jun 26, 2015

Mazékial was last seen:
Jul 20, 2015
    1. Mazékial
      No, lies, it's MY birthday! Give it back.
      1. Toadkid1234
        you friggin serious man
        its not your birthday liar
        Jun 26, 2015
      2. Mazékial
        Nope. No joke. 20 years ago I was ejected from mother's body.

        Also, I'm older, so suck it. My B-Day.
        Jun 26, 2015
    2. Mazékial
      "Hm...Bethesda's E3 made me want to dig up Fallout 3...and I got Witcher through a sale. Hm...I know!" *plays Morrowind*
      1. meanwhile
        I try really hard to avoid playing Sims 3 because I know I'll never stop playing if I was to start, but I started playing it anyway.

        Sometimes, years go by...
        Jun 18, 2015
      2. Fenrous
        Morrowind is the way to go mate
        Jun 19, 2015
      3. Mazékial
        It really is, now that I've gained a better appreciation for Final Fantasy RPGs.

        Made a class called "Dragoon". Just wait until I get that Acrobatics skill up and a levitation spell in my inventory. It's going down...after going up.
        Jun 19, 2015
    3. Mazékial
      1. Yotan
        It's Like Risk of Rain. You think that the whole soundtrack would be an ABC file as well.
        May 23, 2015
    4. Mazékial
      THIS JUST IN: NOVAKIDS GAIN PLASMA POWERS BY PRICKING THEIR FINGERS. Death-by-Plasma-leaking-finger rate spikes dramatically.
      1. Khaltor
        May 15, 2015
      2. Mazékial
        Oh I agree. I'm just relaying what was told to me in a recent Shoutbox conversation.
        May 15, 2015
    5. Mazékial
      Booted up Steam. Saw my Starbound playtime was 666 hours. Suddenly feel obligated to play for an hour.
    6. Mazékial
      Well crap. I just tried to transfer a bunch of guns to one of my alts through the Outpost only to learn that Outpost doesn't save items.
      1. Fenrous
        Damn :( Hope you can get your guns back
        May 13, 2015
      2. Twitch
        If you need to transfer stuff by hand to yourself, consider doing so in single player. All new character share the same starter world and the universe data is the same between all characters.

        The outpost is a dungeon file, so when it unloads, and loads again, it is brand new.
        May 13, 2015
      3. Mazékial
        Yeah, I knew that and normally that's what I would have done. But I kinda did a lot of stuff in SP to get the freeze shield, and I could not identify those starter planet coords to save my life. So I tried an easy approach. It backfired.
        May 14, 2015
    7. Mazékial
      Maz is depressed for now. It's about as lame and boring for me to RP with as you can expect. DAMNIT MAZ, BE HAPPY AGAIN! I DON'T DO SAD MAZ!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mazékial
        And I have an alt who IS suposed to be a sad, tragic figure. I can do that and have fun. What I don't have fun with is a fun character suddenly being obligated to be a sad character. Oh well, he'll IC get over it and RP will go back to being fun =)
        May 2, 2015
      3. Khaltor
        Or he can become a drug addict...
        May 3, 2015
      4. Mazékial
        I believe Maz becoming a drug addict would be the equivalent of a strict Conservative dad sucking his 12-year-old son's penis.
        May 3, 2015
    8. Mazékial
      In about 48 hours Maz went from having a purpose via a new guy's RP Arc to new guy's character dying while I was at work. Ouch.
    9. Mazékial
      ...I serriously just used Missionary to post the antithesis to Maz's multi-paragraph call for a non-violence. What the frick am I doing?
    10. Mazékial
      ...There's a random cat. On my ship. And I can't get rid of it...screw it, it's IC now.
      1. Trace
        It's a new, wonderful update. Enjoy!
        Apr 24, 2015
      2. Mazékial
        I knew that.
        Apr 24, 2015
    11. Mazékial
      Maz used to be questioned if he was an evil dictator. Now he's being questioned if he's a frickin' demon. Oh the stupidity of Starnet.
    12. Mazékial
      So...is anyone else just waiting for the "Players" count to reach 10 or higher before logging in?
    13. Mazékial
      One of these days I'll be on the server when the settlements are populated with more than two people having a 1-on-1 RP. Dare to dream.