Order accepted! However, the price would be 2720. The LMG scope is an extra 120 pixels. Would you still like it to be included in your order? -JOmbre
I would like to purchase a carbine and handgun, as well as two pistol magazines and five carbine magazines, for 1100 pixels. - Volkov
Order is accepted. Would you prefer a drop point or a face-to-face exchange? If the former, please PM me co-ordinates to a preferred planet. -JOmbre
I'd like to purchase one of each, including the LMG scope on the LMG and a suppresor on the assault rifle. Also, don't include the knife and S-4HMMG, or those other two new rifles. ((The Carbine and Hekler)). We'll discuss the magazines and ammo there, I'll bring extra tokens. Total price is 3745, without any ammo, if I'm not wrong. I'll have the money wired to your account, where can we meet? -Iyer. Business email: iyer@starnet.com
Due to how large and vague your order is, I would just like to confirm. Is the following an accurate order? If so, the price, in my calculations, is 4645. -JOmbre ((P.S, I've got all the orders I've done in a notepad like that ^ so if anyone ever wants to see it, for whatever reason, legitimacy or otherwise, just shoot me a message))
Of course i would like to continue this good trade sir, i could loose a few pixels once a while. I will make a drop off zone for your wares. -Matthew.
Glad I saved up for most of these. Does the Designated Marksman Rifle include a scope? If so, add on the scope price for that. Where can we meet up?
I am looking to purchase the "S5C1 'Hekler'" in bulk, 50 to be exact. 42,500 is the price for the guns, yes? Another 5,000 for ammo. Please contact me privately so we may negotiate a location. -Izz Al Din
It does include a scope. I can either drop the weapon on a planet of your choosing, or try and contact you over the radio from time to time, as I do not have an official location yet. Just a note that you have ordered more of these weapons than I currently have in stock. It will take a bit of time to manage to construct the weapons and ready the ammunition for delivery. -JOmbre
S1V1 'Raak' LMG. Scope, Box magazine 2 Hand Gun with lazer sight Shotgun Carbine with silencer and lazer sight DMR with scope Assault rifle. Silencer, Lazer sight, Launcher And with all of them 10 magazines/boxes of ammo to go with S-4HMMG. Payment for this per week if possible
[MazAEkial] Okeh-doke, I have a slightly more complicated order. I'll start with the simple bit first. x2 KA-BAR knives (300) x1 Shotgun (700) And now the tricky bit. If you can't pull it off, that's all well and good, but I'm prepared to pay up to 10,000 pixels (based on whatever you need to pull it off) to get it done. I have these two custom semi-auto shock pistols that need to be repaired* and updated [*OOC: Reconstructed due to the wipe from a month ago. Just use any of the grey vanilla models and have it shoot the sticky shock balls, if you know what I'm talking about] as well as a peculiar little gadget of mine that needs some maintenance* [OOC: See previous bracket]. Basically, it's a mini plasma blowtorch about the size of a middle finger [OOC: Basically a chucklefinger that shoots fire. I mostly just use it for hand gestures and holding a pistol with two hands, and IC keep it as a memento from an RP I was in awhile back, and ICly it functions little more than a heavy lighter with a very small fuel box). I call it the Metal Finger. That comes down to a total of 1,000 pixels for the knives and shotgun, plus an additional bonus of up to 10k if the custom work for the Shock Pistols and Metal Finger repairs are within your area of experience. I can pay in Voxels or Diamonds and other ores; I have plenty of both.
Without the HMMG the total is 7385px, and a weekly payment can be arranged of 750 pixels a week for 10 weeks for the HMMG. If you would like to negotiate further, please contact me over PM. I can either drop the weapons at a predetermined point, or meet up with you somewhere. -JOmbre Alright, I can definitely try my hand at repairing those items. Shouldn't take too long. I can give you your order when you come to drop those two items off, as well. Just specify a time and place. -JOmbre
[MazAEkial] Oh, right, response to this. *achem* That sounds great. Either of our ships could do well for the exchange, you can pick between the two or choose a random planet. I WOULD say to just drop them off at my appartment on Katune...but 1. That screwy field or whatever apparently prevents weapons larger than a handgun from entering the planet and 2. I haven't been able to get a hold of that M-4X fellow who runs housing, so I don't actually have an apartment on Katune as of this post. Regardless, as soon as possible is a good time for me. [Except 6-9 EST today, April 16th.]
'gwyneddfan93' replied: The S5C1 looks really nice. I'll take one of those with a LAM and two magazines. Pickup is at your convenience.
Well, I'll buy: A shotgun. Two pistols.(Prefered lazer-sights.) One of those Assault-rifles. One of those LMG's, if you're still selling, And like, abunch of ammo for all of this. (mostly four boxes of each.) I'll wire the pixels to your account, if you can tell me where to wire them to. Joe Joferson@starmail.com
The total price comes to 2940px. Funds can be wired to JOmbre. Your order is accepted and ready for delivery! I can drop it off at a blind drop planet of your choosing, or meet you at a colony. -JOmbre
<:: Logged in as: Anonymous Sell me. the S5C1 and the S1V1, and a grenade launcher and bayonet for my AR. I'll personally send you the co-ordinates to drop them at, and I've already wired the amount of pixels to your account. Thanks, mate.