<Feed Sending.......... Done> <Display Feed @ 6 aHz..... Done> <Decoding succesfull, displaying contents> Greetings! I am, Boris. Technician and engineer. I sell guns, you want guns. Yes? Boris will provide list of plasma guns. Prices are set, customisation possible. Nothing too fancy. Can be made to custom order, need to discuss details in person. Contact @ Borislav@Borislav-net.com All extras behind the firearm name will be the optional extras. More guns designs underway, be patient. Ballistic gun orders still possible, contact Borislav for arranging meeting. -=-=-=-=Catalogue=-=-=-=- Attachments Laser Sight ; 30 Px Scopes ; Varies per rifle, contact sales for more information Handgun 500 Px Machine Pistol 750 Px SMG 600 Px Assault Rifle 1000 Px Heavy Assault Rifle 1250 Px Light Machine Gun 1400 Px Sniper Rifle 1600 Px Rocket Launcher 2000 Px , includes 10 missiles. Missiles ; 40 Px each Grenade Launcher 1750 Px, includes 2 magazines of 6 grenades. 6 x 1 grenade magazine ; 100 Px each Riot Shotgun 800 Px Spoiler: Spoilered for size <Terminating Feed .... Confirm ... Y/N .... Y ...> <Feed Closed>
Hello friend, I would like to talk about a deal, please email me RSSU@smail.com ((Aka pm on the forums because not too many people understand that.)) -Borish
Boris will provide guns tomorrow, or today. Depending on buyer being here. Buyers have money ready when purchasing, do not try to rip Boris off. Or Boris will not be very happy, you will not like unhappy Boris.
Although the weapon is inevitably a replica/remake of the antique model PPSh-41, a weapon made, estimated from human history, during the 1940's of their planet. It was immensely satisfying to carry around, much like its predecessor, the PPSh model presented by Boris eats up ammunition like a Floran gnaws the meat from a bone. It's perfect for people who lack any form of finesse or aiming. In short, people like me. A beautifully crafted weapon that brings me immense satisfaction to fire. Which, lead to a few punctures in the hull of my ship, it's a rather fragile baby. Nothing that I can't handle. Although I'll need to properly test it on living targets sometime to really see if I got my moneys worth. My 'bang for my buck' so to speak. So far it's a solid four out of five stars. Until I truly test it, I can't guarantee a full five star experience. -BinaryBot@GalaxyMail.net
Boris would like to thank kind customer for writing a review. Hopefully others will come and buy arms from Boris. It is now also possible to let Boris take care of gun maintenence and modifications on guns bought from Boris. Maintenence can also be done on guns not bought from Boris, but no modifications. Borislav@Borislav-net.com
- Baretta .50 Cal, Night Scope - Snubnose Pythons - M-60 LMG Nice doing business with ya, Boris! -RealTimeCowboy@Novaaa.net
Hey there, Boris. I'm looking for: - Two H&K G36Cs, both with silencer and laser sight. - Two Glock 19s with silencer and laser sight. - Two sets of camouflage armor. - One set of that snazzy Apex uniform. Thanks in advance, I'll have a surprise waiting for you when I get everything.. stonecoldhawkins@galaxymail.net
Boris has finished creating requested orders. Stone's order is delivered, other delivery is awaiting pick-up. Borislav@Borislav-net.com
Hoo hoo, I'd like to place an order for: Raging Bull Revolver Personal Data Device Gibs@Squawkmail.net -Gibson
I would like to place an order for these: CheyTac M-200 with scope and silencer H&K UMP-45 with silencer and laser sight Glock 19 with silencer and laser sight -Moonlighter@starmail.net
Statement: I require the following arms from you: H&K G-36, KRISS Vector, H&K SL-8, and Javelin Launcher. Silencer modifications on each weapon applicable will be required. I look forward to doing business with you. -mAA-72
Place your orders now for a special discount of 25%. This discount only lasts for five more hours, so be quick! Borislav@Borislav-net.com
-PPSH -AT-4 This would be fantastic, many thanks. I should be able to cover the pay, just name your price. -Marx Handri
I'm needin something compact and fast. MP-5 Compact with reflector sight KRISS Vector -Seeley Gearhart