So a couple of my friends have been looking to buy some protection lately and they've started arguing about what the best kind of armor there is to buy. I've proposed to settle their argument by asking the question to you, StarNet. What is the best kind of armor out there? Glitch suits? Riot police armor? Or something else entirely? Give me your thoughts so we can figure something out. [DO-L]
Different tools for different jobs, love. You can always add on bells and whistles to the armor rigs people sport these days, but you won't find one that will be a great fit for every situation. It pays to be prepared and keep several different forms of personal protection on hand. The other end of it is risk management when in the field, and no armor is going to give you that to the degree you'll need it. -B00mb1rd
What kind armor? Light Medium or Heavy? Are you about to get into a shootout? Are you just wanting some protection? We need more information comrade. -Borish
Personally, I would recommend starting out with a simple ballistic vest. They're usually inexpensive compared to powered armour or custom builds and often protect you against what you'd commonly find out here in Antares(save for ionized gas weaponry and other high intensity thermal weapons.) If you're worried about being hit by anything bigger than pistol calibres, get some rifle plate inserts. They don't protect your head obviously, but some come with neck and groin(trust me, these are really handy to have) guards too. Budget is always a factor, this is just my semi-broad advice. -Panzerkorps1315
If you're doing Utility work, salvage or zero-g repair, I'd say go with a with a re-enforced E.V.A suit, their pretty cheap. Hell I use one with my duster tossed over it most of the time. Could get a basic E.V.A too, one for environmental protection. Other then that, most of the others got the combat stuff covered. Though with an E.V.A you get an air supply, most of the time, of at least two hours and a helmet that'll help if you bash your head against something.
Armor? First you need something /worth/ protecting... And honestly, the most effective form of protection is a sane mind. -Skarti