Friends! It has become clear slavery, torture, and murder are widespread across the sector. Atrocities have spread to even the most peaceful of colonies, and I fear that conflict will soon overtake civility in this new day and age. To combat the heinous crimes so often perpetrated by the less trustworthy populace, I am forming a new faction, The ICRSB, or the Intergalactic Commission on the Rights of Sentient Beings. Our hope is to cooperate with colonies and factions across the sector in attempts to find and eliminate those who threaten the very wellbeing of each and every species in the galaxy, and to fight back the tides of intergalactic turmoil engulfing Antares. A mission statement will be posted soon. Thank you, Dr.Conrad Leesing
I supply security that is very secure, and do rescue missions. I have been looking for information about this 'Pike' for a long time. If you have any knowledge of their location or any other information about them, please message me privately. /*---------------------\ | Code Phalanx | \---------------------*/
Howdy Folks, Name's Eltaes Walker, I head the Walker Trade Conglomerate. I've noticed Pike and her widespread activities throughout the sector, and I believe it's time we did something about her and widespread slavery in general. I believe it is necessary to form a coalition of states whose authority can reach these vagrants and juveniles. To do otherwise would only spur the slave trade on by convincing slavers there are no consequences for their decisions. The WTC itself is hiring slaver hunters at 1000 pixels per week PLUS a 10000 pixel bounty when a slaver is caught. Godspeed my friends, godspeed. -Eltaes Walker, Chairman WTC
Folks, This Ciber woman named Sally tried ter kidnap me jus' now. Left 'er sorry ass cuffed ter them chair in'em outpost if anyone wants them slaver. ~ Clem Mayor of Greenwood Falls
Howdy Mr.Clem, Glad to see another Novakid escaping her grasp. I myself escaped her just recently, though I thought she would give up the trade. The WTC will look into capturing her and interning her. Eltaes Walker, Walker Trade Conglomerate
INFORMATION: The person going by 'Pike' has apparently been locked up by a bounty hunter of sorts (if my information is reliable). <code>Phalanx</code>
Shenanigans, Some people were selling slaves earlier today, but I'm not sure if it was this Pike person or not. After all, according to a few sources the Pike woman was taken into custody by a 'Bishop'. Then again another message claims that 'Clem' cuffed her in Greenwood falls. It's all a bit confusing. Then again, it's not like the slaves are harmed. At least, I've yet to see any of them actually become 'slaves'. Just looks like folks are buying them and setting them free. Honestly, I'm tempted to nab one and actually make them work. At least then they'll learn a lesson over it other then 'wow, I hope people will buy me and save me like last time since I'm not cautious enough!'. PS: Man, how have we not caught these slavers? Do any of them use voice modulators, or change their names? Pike/Sally has been mentioned so many times. It's like they're not even trying to hide it anymore. Oh someones up for sale? Must be another day in the big bad galaxy! Bah! -
Oi, wasn't in Greenwood Falls. Them hub outpost, with them fancy gate. ~ Clem Mayor of Greenwood Falls
Ugh, this is what I get for staying up all night and staring at my console screen. I read 'Mayor of Greenwood Falls' and immediately assumed it was there. Talk about my bad.
hakachi takn by flesh men and other florns takn and hakachi eats fleshie slavrs if fleshie slavrs get eatn then problm is solve! - hakachi nija
Slavery Slabery, if you want to get kidnapped then be all friendly with strangers, if not then stop being a dumbass and remember the golden rule. NEVER TRUST NOONE. Even if it is your friends, don't know when they might put you in cuffs. [Sent by]